You know what's strange. From your comments you seem to identify as being "left-wing." And yet you are the one who took the leap from "maybe a guy doesn't want to wake up with a boner against his ass" to "ZEOMG HOW DARE THEY SAY ALL GAY MEN ARE RAPISTS!!"
I've been informed I have some more right-wing ideals. And yet at no point before reading your comment did I think the implication was that gay men are rapists.
Funny how that works out :P
And nice of you to, once again, demonstrate your own bizarre bigotry at full volume in the comment section. I keep expecting you to hesitate, maybe think it through now and again, but NOPE. Head first everytime for you. Well done haha
people's views change depending on the comments, me, I'm consistently trying to be almost an a$$hole, but not quite. Though i do cross that line on occasion
I just find it ironic when people desperately accuse other people of the crime they themselves commited. "Like, I have horrible thoughts about people, clearly it must be your fault because you're on this side of the political spectrum."
Though, for the record, I've never mistook you for an asshole, so you may need to try harder or I may need different standards lol
Despite also being a bisexual, I'd probably sleep on the floor, honestly. Even as a kid, having someone sleeping next to me would often make me uncomfortable.
...idk why, maybe better ventilation would help, but I hate other people's warm breathing.
I've been informed I have some more right-wing ideals. And yet at no point before reading your comment did I think the implication was that gay men are rapists.
Funny how that works out :P
And nice of you to, once again, demonstrate your own bizarre bigotry at full volume in the comment section. I keep expecting you to hesitate, maybe think it through now and again, but NOPE. Head first everytime for you. Well done haha
Though, for the record, I've never mistook you for an asshole, so you may need to try harder or I may need different standards lol
*Flops like a fish from laying on back to laying on stomach back and forth all night.*
...idk why, maybe better ventilation would help, but I hate other people's warm breathing.
-Service me, slaves!