He turned into a horse, was impregnated by another horse and gave birth to Sleipner, Odins mount.
Idiots; -Oh nOes yOu cANt hAvE gAY loKI!
Marvel; -Uhm, we actually toned "him" down like a LOT already.
Uhhh Loki didn't turn into a horse because he was hot for horse dick (which is a damn weird stance to take - and also implies he'd have a bestiality kink by that logic).
He turned into a horse because he had fucked up and convinced all the gods to agree to a deal that was NOT going in their favour - and they were all (including Loki's father) pretty pissed off, as it was going to cost them Freya, as well as the sun and the moon.
He turned into a mare exclusively because that was the most effective form of manipulation to distract the stallion that would cost the gods to lose the bet. And, as Loki tended to do (usually under threat), he commited to the distraction and manipulation fully until he got his way
From what little I've read of Norse mythology (which admittedly is not the majority of it, so people can feel free to correct it) Loki also does not seem to shapeshift for recreational or romantic sex/relationships. He does it to manipulate those around him.
Which, by all means, count that as genderqueer if you want -- it just seems an extremely toxic representation to base it off of lol
It's possible he could have tried alternative methods as well I think.
But given the deal the gods had made was to allow a man to build walls with the help of his stallion, it seems likely (speculation on my part) anything doing physical harm or direct diversion to the stallion would probably have been grounds for some sort of repercussions.
Disguised as a mare in heat, however, Loki was doing what he did best: tricking people.
So long as the man building the wall never realized Loki was the mare, he would have no one but his stallion to blame for being horny. The stallion would be guaranteed to be distracted, Loki would be more or less home free, and the builder would be none the wiser
I'm also not clear how Loki gave birth. If he stayed as a horse or shapeshifted or what went on there. Maybe he was species fluid
I do feel like it's relevant at this point, though, to mention that Loki's response to being impregnated was to, yes, give birth. But to a shaman spider-horse. A child he then GAVE AWAY.
The story is a big mess, and an excruciatingly bad example toward anything beyond the
occasional absolute insanity of Norse gods, and how Loki is so fucking commited to being a trickster he will literally fuck and be impregnated by an animal as a means to an end
Also: "we toned him down a lot" (so you "idiots" oughta shut up and swallow what we give you to swallow) is kind of a disrespectful spin to put on what is, to a great many people, still intended to be a representation of a deity they worship.
Just because being gay is not as extreme as literally fucking a horse doesn't actually
1) make the guy gay by default or
2) automatically mean people have to accept Marvel's latest interpretation as being remotely correct or relevant.
An interpretation which, by and large, does not seem to accurately represent the deity (or the character, weirdly enough from what I've seen, and what I've heard from some of the extremely hardcore comic book fans Marvel now continues to try and wipe their asses with).
It makes as much sense as Marvel coming out tomorrow and saying "well, Jesus turned water to wine once, so he's clearly an alcoholic" and then saying people are idiots for having any kind of issue with that logic or representation
Your commentary in this instance:
"I want my agenda to be pushed. I will CELEBRATE the pushing of that agenda, and demand others should do the same. If any should voice dissent about my agenda for Any reason, I shall insult their intelligence, and then blame them when I can't cope with differing opinions or basic facts."
Idk about other people, but since you addressed me directly: I at least can say with FULL assertion that losing this kind of toxicity and eternal victim status is, in no way, any great loss to my daily existence.
You can suck Marvel's dick all you want - Snowflake and SafeSpace still ain't coming to your rescue.
@karlboll two of them were actually in response to famous and the concepts in general, but please, continue to pretend your gravitational pull keeps the entire universe in flux lol
I will offer my apologies, though. I understand literacy can be a most tiresome burden, and therefore can see why you've failed to employ it once again.
Unfortunately not all of us can in good conscience rely on the tactic of stating "I'm right, you're idiots because I say so." as an all encompassing argument. Some of us actually like to have facts involved now and again as well
· 3 years ago
When I read who's blaming someone for their "toxicity" I had to laugh so hard I strained a few muscles.
This really wasn't how Loki wanted to spend his day by the by. One of his genius ideas blew up in his face and the repercussions was either seduce a stallion or lose the sun, the moon and Freya as well as become Asgard's favorite pin cushion
Idiots; -Oh nOes yOu cANt hAvE gAY loKI!
Marvel; -Uhm, we actually toned "him" down like a LOT already.
He turned into a horse because he had fucked up and convinced all the gods to agree to a deal that was NOT going in their favour - and they were all (including Loki's father) pretty pissed off, as it was going to cost them Freya, as well as the sun and the moon.
He turned into a mare exclusively because that was the most effective form of manipulation to distract the stallion that would cost the gods to lose the bet. And, as Loki tended to do (usually under threat), he commited to the distraction and manipulation fully until he got his way
Which, by all means, count that as genderqueer if you want -- it just seems an extremely toxic representation to base it off of lol
But given the deal the gods had made was to allow a man to build walls with the help of his stallion, it seems likely (speculation on my part) anything doing physical harm or direct diversion to the stallion would probably have been grounds for some sort of repercussions.
Disguised as a mare in heat, however, Loki was doing what he did best: tricking people.
So long as the man building the wall never realized Loki was the mare, he would have no one but his stallion to blame for being horny. The stallion would be guaranteed to be distracted, Loki would be more or less home free, and the builder would be none the wiser
I do feel like it's relevant at this point, though, to mention that Loki's response to being impregnated was to, yes, give birth. But to a shaman spider-horse. A child he then GAVE AWAY.
The story is a big mess, and an excruciatingly bad example toward anything beyond the
occasional absolute insanity of Norse gods, and how Loki is so fucking commited to being a trickster he will literally fuck and be impregnated by an animal as a means to an end
Just because being gay is not as extreme as literally fucking a horse doesn't actually
1) make the guy gay by default or
2) automatically mean people have to accept Marvel's latest interpretation as being remotely correct or relevant.
An interpretation which, by and large, does not seem to accurately represent the deity (or the character, weirdly enough from what I've seen, and what I've heard from some of the extremely hardcore comic book fans Marvel now continues to try and wipe their asses with).
It makes as much sense as Marvel coming out tomorrow and saying "well, Jesus turned water to wine once, so he's clearly an alcoholic" and then saying people are idiots for having any kind of issue with that logic or representation
Your commentary in this instance:
"I want my agenda to be pushed. I will CELEBRATE the pushing of that agenda, and demand others should do the same. If any should voice dissent about my agenda for Any reason, I shall insult their intelligence, and then blame them when I can't cope with differing opinions or basic facts."
Idk about other people, but since you addressed me directly: I at least can say with FULL assertion that losing this kind of toxicity and eternal victim status is, in no way, any great loss to my daily existence.
You can suck Marvel's dick all you want - Snowflake and SafeSpace still ain't coming to your rescue.
I will offer my apologies, though. I understand literacy can be a most tiresome burden, and therefore can see why you've failed to employ it once again.
Unfortunately not all of us can in good conscience rely on the tactic of stating "I'm right, you're idiots because I say so." as an all encompassing argument. Some of us actually like to have facts involved now and again as well