Clowns also honk. Speaking of which, some users (bet you can't guess who) actually made a honking thread. That's not a euphemism, they made a thread where they go honk:
I wonder why people don't take them seriously. It's the great mystery of our time. On that note, I imagine the following comments on this post will go something along the lines of:
Edited 3 years ago
· 3 years ago
I don't quite understand why the honking is bad. From what I gather, it's to indicate that their reality has become a joke, or a mockery of itself. I see it more like people's personal frustration than anything else.
I guess if their frustration is directed to a part of your identity, it might come out as hostile. But I still don't understand.
This is an actual question. I tried to word it as best I could
Will the virus go away with widespread vaccinations? Well, yes actually. I mean it worked with smallpox, polio's almost extinct, we damn near eradicated measles if it wasn't for those pesky anti-vaxxers and their misinformation, my TBE-vaccinations have saved my behind at least four times now, by any rights I should've died from tetanus years ago, just got through my vaccinations for hepatitis A & B so I got that going for me and I'm looking at HPV coz' turns out that can cause both in the cervix and my cock and balls. So yeah, with enough vaccinations the virus will go extinct.
Right. Because once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about getting polio.
Once your vaccinated you don't have to worry about tetanus for a decade.
Once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about smallpox.
Once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about HPV.
And once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about catching covi- oops. Nope, you still get covid.
No, once you've vaccinated enough of the population the virus lack hosts for reproduction and dies out. You, the individual is only personally protected. Those other vaccines have been worked on for decades so ofc they're really effective. SARS-CoV-2 is a fairly new virus for us and required an entirely new kind of vaccine. No it's not a 100%, no vaccine is, but for a completely new kind of vaccine against a quickly mutating virus it's bloody impressive.
Ok, thought of an analogy; Think of vaccines as really selective ballistic vest that protects the wearer against as special gun. The wearer will be somewhat protected but if enough people wear that type of ballistic vest the production of that gun will seize because, here's the important bit, it won't be useful anymore.
Except that doesn't work at all. Because the vaccinated and boosted are still getting sick and spreading the virus.
It would be more like the Dragon Scale armor that was hyped up for years in military technology. But when it was tested it failed to accomish the advertised function.
Karl, like famousone said, there is no evidence that the covid vaccines prevent transmission.
You're right that a lot of vaccines in the past have eliminated (or close to it) the intended diseases.
Covid vaccines are effective similar to what we've known historically as flu shots. It comes down to this: Covid vaccines do not change the risk of death for anyone except the person who is vaccinated.
There are a lot of "science" claims to the contrary but I have yet to see anything other than shoddy surveys to back it up.
All of this research comes from mRNA vaccines, which has been studied for over the past 40 years. No vaccine is perfect, but also no virus wants to go extinct. Viruses, especially coronaviruses, mutate especially fast as they are so simple. It's not in a virus's best interest to kill the host, hence the variants becoming less damaging. All a virus wants to do is reproduce and spread, and it needs a host to do that, which is why viruses aren't considered alive; they fail that specific distinction on what is alive.
Of course a "traditional vaccine" helps the body kill the virus by developing certain antibodies that go in and eat the virus essentially. This is how they stop the spread of a virus. Vaccines like the covid one don't do that. Instead they prevent the body from being susceptible to the virus. They don't make the body to fight it off or destroy the virus. So it does protect the vaccinated from developing serious conditions but it doesn't stop them from getting infected or acting like carriers. Eventually the virus dies out in the body of the vaccinated because it can't reproduce enough, but until then they will still spread the virus.
Here's an excellent video of a doctor explaining a CDC report about covid original and delta variant and how it relates to hospitalization given four premises. Unvaccinated, vaccinated, vaccinated and had covid, and had covid unvaccinated. He does cover comorbidities and such. He doesn't try to prove or disprove anything merely explain in layman's terms what the report actually says. You will definitely find it interesting.
I wonder why people don't take them seriously. It's the great mystery of our time. On that note, I imagine the following comments on this post will go something along the lines of:
I guess if their frustration is directed to a part of your identity, it might come out as hostile. But I still don't understand.
This is an actual question. I tried to word it as best I could
Once your vaccinated you don't have to worry about tetanus for a decade.
Once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about smallpox.
Once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about HPV.
And once you're vaccinated you don't have to worry about catching covi- oops. Nope, you still get covid.
Ok, thought of an analogy; Think of vaccines as really selective ballistic vest that protects the wearer against as special gun. The wearer will be somewhat protected but if enough people wear that type of ballistic vest the production of that gun will seize because, here's the important bit, it won't be useful anymore.
It would be more like the Dragon Scale armor that was hyped up for years in military technology. But when it was tested it failed to accomish the advertised function.
You're right that a lot of vaccines in the past have eliminated (or close to it) the intended diseases.
Covid vaccines are effective similar to what we've known historically as flu shots. It comes down to this: Covid vaccines do not change the risk of death for anyone except the person who is vaccinated.
There are a lot of "science" claims to the contrary but I have yet to see anything other than shoddy surveys to back it up.