I spend 5-4 minutes trying to think of something funny and when I do, if I get dislikes I'm just like 'well damn.' And then I hesitate to post. Like now. And I edited this because I thought it was stupid.
So I am certainly a funsubstance commenter. But how does the creator work? Does the creator have an account in reddit, 4chan, tumblr, i.f.u.n.n.y, funsubstance, ect. and then he or she posts the material to each of these communities? Or does the creator merely choose one or two of these sites to post to, and then simply relies on others to disseminate this material to other sites via reposting? In the case of the latter, would funsubstance alone make a good place to post original works? (p.s. for those of you not aware of this fact, funsubstance will not let me type out i.f.u.n.n.y. without the periods.)
Do you see them floating about on other sites too? I mean funsubstance is a nifty little community, but if I make posts, I would like to see them go beyond these borders.
I don't think it is necessary to have this many comments with just "3" on them or whatever... Why don't we just have 4 comments that have each number and you like which one you are?
They tried that when asking how we found funsubstance and it turns out we really suck at reading and then following directions. I'd guess this would prolly turn out the same way.
2,3,and 4. If I made my posts i'd have less posts because there's not a lot of time to make them. Plus I'm usually on my iPod instead of the computer so I'd have to make the picture on my iPod :/