No, Tara. It implied that you should ask Pebble if he is into pegging. Which he seems to have answered for us. Let us sit back and watch as his sexual escapades devolve further into a flagrant display of his 'Christian Magic.'
The sad truth is that we'd all stand awkwardly and be like... "Yup... I'm ShikaNaru... I like bacon....ummm..." But the picture is wonderful and how I feel too! :D
Exactly, you all suck in real life. The internet is your surrogate mother who will always love you, no matter how many times you fail (which will be a lot I'm guessing).
in real life, guest is a bully. you know the kind: the one you should feel sorry for b/c the only reason they put people is to make themselves feel better. B/c in all reality, they feel/know they are inferior mentally and are just a shallow empty vessel with no substance and/nor chance of ever finding true happiness/whole-ness.
And do you know how hard it is to get a black van at this short a notice! + I don't really feel like going down to the shop to get duck tape, especially with all the Christmas shoppers around.
yeah....ikr....then kid-napping plans turn into having to cover up the murder of the mouthy xmas shopper! we're just gonna have to wait till after the holidays for the next kidnap, guys.
I second that, mars! It doesn't matter how horrible you may think you are, funsubstance is a place of family. And do you know what family does? Family accepts people for who they are, and finds their faults endearing rather than offensive.
I feel ya. Last night I started crying over a post about the Fairly Odd Parents theme song. We all have our moments. It's better to talk about it than to bottle it up, though.
· 11 years ago
Haha I saw that post, it brought back so many happy memories it made me cry too :,)
Haha, I felt so silly crying about it. Welp, I have to go. Good bye, new friend! May your Internet surfing be fruitful and your night be happily wasted! :)
Mars, welcome to the over-attached family. Once you're apart of us, we'll never let you go. >:) Also, random thought/question. Are you mars as in the planet? Or mars, the candy company?
And this is why you'll always be nothing but a guest to us. You are not a part of us, and never will be with that attitude. You suck just as much as we do; you're on this website on this very moment. You're just contradicting yourself.
Oh, look at who showed up with their mouth full of thorns. Is it hurting to talk, guest? I thank you for putting in the effort at saying those few words. I appreciate the fact that ye cared enough to comment. When I was but a mere guest, I was KIND unlike you. Learn ye manners.
teehee...i love how you typed "ye" instead of you. i just finished off all 5 seasons of Misfits and am just done season 2 of Shameless. I'm practicing my cockney accent (i hear it perfectly in my head) but my puerto-rican-ness still comes thru when i try to speak it LOL
XD awesome. I just say 'ye' because it adds to the effect :) if I say it in real life, everybody wil stare at me , 'wat' . I wish my accent was irish :(
Probably through feedback... try it on a desk/laptop, probably easier that way. I'm sure there is a feedback function.
Bear in mind though, however much of a "good idea" this might be, there will be a cost, even a significant one, associated with it. A cost that may make it prohibitive.
As long as they are able to demonstrate the traffic data metrics. That and the age range has been demonstrated to be, shall we say... diverse as well as having an international audience. Seems like it could be a goldmine.
Ooh, who dared to start the party without me? Aint no party without a banana! *trows cookies to everyone* Huggles!
Hell, you all are awesome. Love every single one of you. Even that one or two bitchy guests disserve a cheery hug!
*throws a slab of concrete on it*
Be sure to migrate our usernames so we can be sure we know who everyone is.
Bear in mind though, however much of a "good idea" this might be, there will be a cost, even a significant one, associated with it. A cost that may make it prohibitive.
Hell, you all are awesome. Love every single one of you. Even that one or two bitchy guests disserve a cheery hug!
Edit: excelent, you edited and fixed the error. GJ, :-)