

I'm almost always on the internet, and when I'm not I'm either reading, writing or serving my furry master (the one pictured, I'm not THAT weird).

— PurplePumpkin Report User
You traveling towards me 2 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
That's funny the road looks like a thong so it's like the asshole is going to join with a brethren.
The gate on an Irish farm 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)
*prepares the camera*
My life right now 10 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
It does that when my hobbies are enjoyable but not fulfilling. I get regularly trapped in reading, while I in fact need to create (draw, write, embroider, paint) for my brain to feel good again.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
Call me Johnny 2 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Lil story: I was that weird kid who knew some stuff in Latin. I couldn't speak the language but was into witchcraft. One of my favorite protection spells goes "Sator arepo tenet opera rotas", it's written in a 5x5 square, it's a palindrom, the columns are the same as the lines, this fits my need for order and meaning. I tried to translate it, but what did "tenet" mean? Nothing. I searched, got frustrated, but landed on the Wikipedia page for this incantation and read some of the articles listed and boy oh boy I learnt so much about the development of Christianity in ancient Rome and how paganism had spread and the Christians merged some of their lore with the pagan lore to get it accepted...
Cut to 6 years later in Uni a teacher thought I was so smart and knowledgeable and interested in her class "ancient civilizations" for knowing that... I had just changed from a major in paleontology so surprised friend asked "studied THAT hard?" I was just like "nah I'm a witch".
Don't think it's true 18 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Someone needs to start a gofundme.
But first, let me serve a mission... - Mormons, probably 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
My mom never went to high school, she went straight from middle school to 2 years of a steno formation to working for 2 years and marrying my father at 19. She got my elder sister 2 years later.
I have seen her realize the opportunities she's missed so I'd never do that. I'm 22 and still feel like a soft child, not an adult (I deal with my shit, I've launched a law procedure against someone who had gotten 1000€ from me with no service provided in return, cook, make reparations round my flat, work hard and well, but I still feel like I need to be cared for, I read children books sometimes, have dolls and need time everyday to dream. To be honest I feel like I'm Pippi Langstrumpf)
So I couldn't live like they do, it seems awful to me, but I'm also impressed.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
Yes, thank you. Talk soon 2 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Damn right I do!
Go see Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the clerk agrees that it's golden.
Finally starting life, wish me good luck! 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Idk I used to lurk there for quite a while before I officially joined.
But your answers sounds a bit mysterious and mystical ("Stranger, there's a land called funsubstance. I don't think this site gets a lot of people passing by, but some live there. They have their own language and customs...") so I'm not gonna argue.
It's called being immersed 9 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
*Megalodon* People who die from a heart attack when their character dies.
Dealership 10 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Back where I used to live the police tried not to be found by the dealers. They knew where they operated (the street next to mine) and never went there. So happy I quit this rathole.
Parenting 102 3 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Rat uses Xenopsylla&Nosopsyllus
jd1984 is bitten by fleas! It's not very effective. But...
jd1984 has caught the Black Plague
jd1984 has "fainted"
The little gems hidden in classic art 4 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I think we should show that more. A lot of kids find these paintings boring because the art style has changed, they don't know the theme and the codes used (and hey seeing something in school adds 20 boredom points anyways) and as a result they can't connect to these people. When I was in middle school I thought they were dusty and so serious a smile would have been considered an insult in their eyes. But when we show shit (yo pun) like this, like a guy in the cathedral of my town that has a bird shoved up his ass, like another guy heating his junk in front of a fire in the background of a very known painting that is commonly shown and explained *almost* exhaustively, when we say "hey don't you think this baby looks like a grandpa" and explain the style by comparing it with manga, there is the connection, the interest!!
Medieval people were like middle schoolers with no taboo when it came to the body, showing them otherwise is both useless and not completely true to History.
The gate on an Irish farm 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I want to touch that lion's butt when that person's done.
New me 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I have a coworker you should meet, she's a GREAT start. Really eases you into wanting to rip someone's tongue out.
Exiled? Seems legit 9 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I'd upvote for the sheer badassery that emanates from your comment but I'm also a soft potato and please don't do that.
He's not wrong tho 13 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Oh so that's what chicken is like? I've never had it before, thanks!
· Edited 4 years ago
Drinks piss 6 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Lucky, when it's my time of the month I can't stand upright and have big cramps, which makes me basically a grandma.
Finally starting life, wish me good luck! 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Maybe they're guests passing by who aren't aware of the bot posts? Or people who haven't noticed, who care just enough to wish someone good luck without knowing who they are?
Best served cold 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
If your child walks slowly, it does not mean she will be eaten alive.
Fairy tales are important to the mind, and these posts are millenial adults fairy tales :D
Future is now, boomer 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
They're gonna slowly add other stuff and replace all the human pieces with robotic ones.
Uhm so I keep having weird dreams and this one was that my left ring finger created a meme 32 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I do that too and @savage_demmigod it's exactly as wild as you'd think.
His mom is a nice lady 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
Ooh his mom is having visio conferences, maybe with astronauts of very important people, how cool!
Well, that's Dad 21 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
I once had almost the same situation with my Dad, and knowing that he can be considered a feminist himself (when it comes to us at least) I asked him "do you want your daughter to do the dishes? Is that what I'm studying for, to become a slave?" to which he replied "You haven't finished your studies so you haven't become anything. Do the dishes." I really set myself up for this one.
4 · Edited 4 years ago
Uhm so I keep having weird dreams and this one was that my left ring finger created a meme 32 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
That's a great start actually!!
*scribbles yet another story prompt*
Please follow the instructions 6 comments
purplepumpkin · 4 years ago
My baby is so impolite :(