Oh, are teacher does it that back and forth is one lap.
I hope your teacher didn't do it like ours, he forced is to at least get 30 and no matter how many times you asked to stop he made you do it.
· 10 years ago
I was 3 shirt of my required 30 and my grade actually dropped :( IN GYM!!
The beep test is terrible. You are forced to run these terrible things called laps. You have to do a certain amount or you fail. You must keep running. You can't give up. Not now. I hated those. You were forced to do it. I always felt like I was going to pass out after awhile. ( I tried to make this kind of like a story but I think I failed miserably. )
Is there a time-limit, if so, what is it? :) We have something called the Cooper-test here in Norway, where we have 12 minutes to run as many laps around a track as we can. So I'm guessing the Beep-test is similar, but with longer time?
in not sure, but I think that the been test doesn't have a limit of time, i mean, at least in my school for example, all the 5th grade had to run until they..well, until they die. so, if u ran for 5 minutes and you had to stop, but a classmate still is running and he isn't dying, the test keeps on, until the very last person of your grade is dead. most people quite it after a few minutes (me included)
in my school, as soon as you can't keep up anymore, you have to jog on the side while the other people keep running. it's terrible because there's always that one kid who thinks the beep test is the Olympics and keeps going even tho everyone else is already on the side. we had to jog for an extra five minutes because that kid kept running and kept up with the beeps
and it's absolutely terrible!! like the whole class is on the side dying and the one person just keeps going! and we couldn't tell him to stop because the teacher saw that as us wanting to run EVEN MORE and we'd have to do it all over again.
Our passing grade rose by increments of 10. We were always allowed to run for as long as we wanted, but thank god everyone stopped at the bare minimum. Just thinking about it I get close to having an anxiety attack. *shudders*
When did this come out? I never had this. Is this regional? In basketball we would run lines and suicides, but never something to a beep. It was just the last person had to run again, so everyone ran balls to the walls.
· 10 years ago
I hated running lines. The agony of this beep test sounds similar.
Oh God, I HATE the pacer. Nightmares, man. Nightmares. Plus the music they play on the disc sounds like porno music. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I am so beyond thankful that I only had to do that in middle school. My scoliosis brace was my ticket out of this gym torture tool from one of the most unspeakable depths of hell.
..... is this like one of those things where you have to keep running back and forth, and you had to get to the other side in a certain amount of time that kept speeding up. It would also have another segment of curl ups, then sit ups? If so I Hate those, my lungs always burned and my stomach felt like it became a rock.
We do pacers once a week and we must do at least 75, 100 gets extra credit. The most I ever did was 132 and our school record is 300. And yes, ours get faster as they progress. You guys who only had to do 50 are so so so sooooo freaking lucky. FYI this is running length wise across a full volleyball court
Wow. My school only has the pacer and stuff for fitness testing, and not as a grade. It's nice, because people shouldn't be graded on their fitness ability. But either way, kids have no motivation to do well and the best I've gotten so far is 40 :P
I can't run.
At all.
Why on earth are they doing this to kids??? Gym should get kids moving, yes, but it should also show kids how fun exercising is so they will continue it into their adult lives. All this would have taught me is how much running sucks. We had to do the mile but you could walk if you needed too. This is stupid. Ok - getting off my soapbox now. Continue with your day. Rant over.
Dang I was so confused at first I didn't know what the heck the beep test was. Basically when I was in elementary school, we called them Suicides. Yunno because when you did Suicides you wanted to KILL YOURSELF to end the misery and unending hellish pain
We called them suicides too. I had never heard anyone refer to it as the beep test before. We ran suicides in soccer practice every week, as much as they sucked it really does build up your endurance. *Important difference: they didn't get noticeably faster, they just stayed the same pace for us.
But suicides are when u run different distances as fast as u can if I'm correct and the beep (pacer) test is when u run the same distance over and over and u have to get faster everytime until u die
I have athsma and it was really acting up during when we had this test... I GOT DETENTION FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO MORE THAN 15 LAPS. I also got publicly humiliated in front of the whole school. That was the worst year of my life. I literally passed out because 1. It was way too hotin the gym and 2. My lungs couldn't handle all the stress (and neither could I)
· 10 years ago
I faked not being able to breathe after about 15-20 laps.
Well, most times I was so out of shape I didn't need to fake it, but whatevs.
I FUCKING HATE THOSE. YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND. half way through my stomach will start twisting and my vision gets foggy and I feel so nauseous and I can't breath and fuck this huge amount of pressure cuz all the other girls got 30 something and I'm not even at 18 yet and everyone's watching and shit did that guy just say he got 60 what is he made of.
I got 12'2 in year seven and I was the last one standing in my class, but I was always good at running, and when I first did it (I got 11'3 and was last standing again) I thought It was quite a fun little exercise, but everyone else around me was on the floor dying or something I I'm just standing there like "sooo, anyone not coughing up their lungs or.." But after doing it a couple of time I see other peoples point of view.
I hate the beep test my soccer coach makes my team do it at practice ever tuesday. Its awful. I have no words to express the hatred I have for it. I've gotten to level 8 but one of the girls on my team got to level 14 and I was like " your insane"
Because 5'7 means running back and forth 57 times.
I hope your teacher didn't do it like ours, he forced is to at least get 30 and no matter how many times you asked to stop he made you do it.
1: it gets faster after every ten beeps but slowly.
2: it gets faster with every beep but quickly.
I can't run.
At all.
Well, most times I was so out of shape I didn't need to fake it, but whatevs.