I get a weird bug while scrolling where the title and comments link (right side of the screen) will follow my scroll, i get this on Google Chrome on my windows 8 comp and my mac.
Is this where I complain that the whole of funsubstance was down yesterday for like 20 minutes? Cus that happened. I wanna say around 4 pm central time.
I'm on I pad, safari, and occasionally I won't be able to click on hidden posts, it says I'm not logged in when my profile is available at the top of the page. I don't know if this is a glitch with the website or my device or browser.
I'm actually cool with them not having an app, if they did it would spread like wildfire and become something crazy uncontrollable, I like our fs comunity. Plus if you want easy access to it you can save the web page on your home screen
I've had a lot of issues uploading from a mac, even if I have a perfect wifi signal. (I can still post on other kinds of websites, so I don't think it's my computer, I could be wrong, though. What do I know?)
I'm on iPhone and using the chrome app and whenever I tap the weblink it goes to a blank screen and I have to repeat it 3 times before it starts working, don't know if it's something wrong with the site or something else just thought I should put it out there :)
· 10 years ago
I cant submit anything. I press on the gallery button but it wont work.
I have a Samsung galaxy s3 and I have never been able to submit anything. I can press the button but nothing comes up it just won't let me post anything.
The first post of every new page I go to only has about half loaded, ends in pixels, then grey... All of the other posts load completely...I don't know if anyone else is having that issue or not. Also sometimes when ever I read the comments, exit out of it (I'm on the mobile version), scroll down to other pics and try to like them, it reverts back to the picture I viewed the comments on.
That happens on my phone plus 'page not found' or 'cannot be displayed' errors but it's 99% of the time my phone causing it, I just switch of my data connection and switch it back on them everything is fine for a little while.
When I tilt my screen (iPhone using safari), it always does this weird thing where it will scroll down past the picture I was looking at, and when I turn it back, it sometimes goes back further up than I was at originally also. It's a minor thing, but kinda annoying. I should also mention that it doesn't do that on my iPad (safari as well).
· 10 years ago
Changing the orientation of the screen makes the device recalculate the entire page, making it so it will fit the screen. And when it does that, most of the time you end up in a different position of the page. If you tilt it back to how you had it (without moving from that point) you will see you go back to where you was.
It's not a webpage problem :)
On my blackberry phone, I use the in-built web browser and up until a couple of months ago I was able to open the comments of a post whilst just scrolling down the all page. Now, I have to open the post directly and wait for it to load the single post in another tab before I can see the comments. Long story short, the comments button doesn't work for me on my phone.
Sometimes when I use the middle mouse button (click down on the mouse wheel) to scroll down the screen, it just locks up and I can't click anything. I try clicking it again to reset it, it doesn't work, then I try to refresh the page, it still won't work. If my mouse locks up when I use the mouse wheel button, I have to close the tab and open up the website again.
I'm using google chrome if that matters.
It won't let me scroll normally. I'm on a windows 8 computer and all of my other sites the scroll is fine but on Funsubstance it's like it tries to skip to the top of each post but it doesn't quite work and it's really annoying...
I don't know if this has been said already.. I don't get notifications when someone comments on one of my posts. I have to manually go to that post and click follow comments or just check periodically.
I am unable to post, it just continuously loads, and won't let me click "submit". My browser is Mozilla Firefox... I think.. :/ PC, (Being stupid when it comes to computers sucks, I'm so sorry >.>)
I have a Galaxy s4, and often have an issue when I go to click the 'more' button. It sometimes needs to be pressed so many times that I have to close the Internet and reopen it before it will continue. Don't have this problem on any other site though, it'd be awesome if that was fixed :)
It's not a webpage problem :)
I'm using google chrome if that matters.