There seems to be talk over "equality? This isn't equality" and the like. And of course this isn't equality, this isn't feminism, and this isn't right. I'm fine for all these discussions, but it is important to remember there are many victims of gender inequality on both sides.
Target marketing, social expectations, and social discrimination. Both sides are equally being hurt because we insist on separating out roles by the sex we are born with. I mean, we didn't choose to be born one way or another, why can't we grow as a society and treat everybody based on a fair level of justice?
of course this isn't equality, and most feminists would agree that this isn't equality. Feminism has a lot to do with achieving equal rights and freedoms while removing gender-related stereotypes that society, the media, the government etc, frequently impose on others. This is an example of one of those gender-related stereotypes (man: villainous brute, woman: docile victim)
Excuse me but... I think the problem seems to be in the fact that people "do" things instead of not doing them. They smash other's with glasses, beat them, humiliate them, godknowswhat... If one just sits at the computer and bitches that's still better than beating the crap out of their girlfriend or throwing sharp stuff into their boyfriend or whatever. Right? :D
Well done you guys, promoting violence all over the place. Because surely, one punch has always solved EVERYTHING right? :) I should try puncing my textbooks. Could be the equasions will magically do themselves.
Oh, I understand. You don't understand what I am saying. Let me repeat it more clearly: violence is no resort. Not last one, first one, any kind. It is not a solution. It is not accptable. Or at least it should not be. By violence you resolve nothing. Yes, sure, people have to defend themselves if someone comes after them with a shovel but that just prooves my point: violent behaviour causes violent response. Both sides lose. There's no victor, only destruction.
Now, please tell me again how I don't understand things and how productive and benefitial violence always is.
The most major of changes throughout history have not been through peaceful protest. War and violence. The US, England, Germany, Russia, etc. Have all been shaped by war. You or I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for war.
I am truly sorry you think so. You are right about one thing, though. World has been shaped by war. It has been mis-shaped. Wars have created people like you, who believe violence and blodshed are the only way to change things. Wars have efficiently killed off millions of people. Crippled them. Made them suffer undescribably. Oh and the blood and decaying bodies have certainly added some nutrients to the soil. The latter put aside, I fail to see at what loss would the world be if there were no wars.
Wars control population
Actually though, I think that a gladiator system would work best for wars; take a volunteer from the contesting countries and pit them against each other. Survivor wins. Entertainment for us bloodthirsty CoD addicts. Only one death.
Actually, the smart ones were those who pushed their leaders into these cock fights. Those who started wars in the first place, should fight those wars. Imagine how quickly would the world peace ensue if the politicians were given guns into their tremlbing little greedy hands and sent out to kill or be killed. They've would've made peace in less than 2 seconds, I assume.
You know what? Do wars control population to a certain extent? I know it's morbid, but I wonder if it's true; do enough people (soldiers and collateral) die that a nation's (and possibly the world's) population can be impacted?
Either way you look at it lindsmolinari you don't understand that if this man did choose to hit this women, it would have been in defense from potentially deadly force...which is legal up to the point of subduing you assailant.
I was told a story by my friend at my archery club. Essentially, it was this kid who was essentially tortured to death by his parents, who would periodically beat him (and anyone who interacted kindly with him (siblings)) because (they thought) he was gay. He died by getting shot to death by a pellet gun. A MOTHERFUCKING PELLET GUN! It wasn't even a clean death, his lung was punctured AND HE DROWNED IN HIS OWN BLOOD!
I say this to say that we need to repeal such ideas that hitting people is wrong. In the case of my story, these parents are well deserving of a good lynching by the KKK. I'd gladly be the mob-leader. They completely destroyed his humanity and dignity and they deserve to be tortured likewise.
Back on topic, some people do deserve a good smack plus a bit. This woman is one of them.
I have never heard of a more pampered group of people than women. They are protected by law and community. I personally threw a guy against the wall for hitting his now ex girlfriend. I'm a pacifist but I won't stand by and watch that. But, think for one second. If it were a girl who hit him who would've stepped in? Absolutely no one. This 'equality' that they think of will never exist as long as they are on there pedestal and cry fowl.
@metalman that's a pretty generalized statement, but to each his own.
@tylerchu I agree that violence might be nessesary, but I'd like to leave it as a last resort as violence can both kill and save lives. Although sometimes hitting is what's needed, (which I understand in a certain circumstance), it's flat out not good, and should try to be avoided. But again in a situation it might be nessesary.
Metalman I'm pretty sure most people would step in if they saw some chick wailing on a guy with a bloodied face. And might I remind you that (female) rape victims are still treated as if they made it up or brought it on themselves by a good amount of law enforcement. In Phoenix last year an issue came to light where thousands of rape kits had not been processed. It wasn't due to the lab being backed up, the officers working these cases simply didn't bother to pursue them or "forgot". Does that sound pampered to you?
Hey guess what sexual assault isn't restricted to only women men are affected by it too. Men who are sexually assaulted are treated far worse than women who are raped. You claim equality but you only bring up women. How equal of you. Also, I was refering to my story and what I did. He slapped her and I stopped him from doing more but if a woman hit a man only the "bystander effect" would come from it.
I didn't bring it up because it wasn't pertinent to my point. And yes men are subjected to that and I'm sure they are treated poorly but the odds of a guy getting raped is around 1 in 71 whereas a woman is 1 in 5. I was never talking about equality I didn't even mention the word. And as for not doing anything I have PERSONALLY put myself between a woman who was slapping the shit out of her boyfriend so don't sit there and tell me nobody would do anything. My dad has worked in hospitality for decades and has called the cops on more than one woman who was hitting their husbands/boyfriends.
I never said you do claim equality but many that do argue with me on this are those who claim 'equality' are those who reap in the benefits of inequality. Also, I'd hope your father took his job seriously enough to report it.
"You claim equality but you only bring up women. How equal of you." I literally just copy and pasted that out of your comment. And I said he CALLED THE COPS so, yes, these incidents were reported.
This really doesn't sound fair and I totally agree that it's a shame this woman got away with no serious sentence at all after messing up someones face that bad and already having done something like this before to 17 other people, but on the other hand we don't know what happend before this picture was taken or if there might have been a real reason or something that made her hit him.
@Awabscarter, that´s exactly what I said, see "I totally agree that it's a shame this woman got away with no serious sentence at all". I just pointed out that we only see this photo and don´t know the complete story behind it.
· 10 years ago
Well it does take "two to start an argument" and "he must have done something to provoke her."
Pink_cotton_candy, did you read the article? She has anger management issues! "The story behind it" Are you for real right now? He almost lost his eye! You sound just like society telling women that they "must've done something to provoke it" and that "we don't know the full story" when it comes to rape.
I'm sorry, then, if my comment was harsh, but you sounded like that because not many people would ask the story behind what really happened if the gender roles had been reversed.
I understand your point now and am really sorry for not overthinking my comment before I wrote it, I never wanted to sound like it's his fault she beat him or that somebody would ever have the right to hurt someone like this, really...I'd neither ever lay the blame on a woman if she was raped. I guess I just sounded really really wrong or I just thought about this post wrong and didn't think before writing.
I'm sorry. :(
Should I delete the comment?
You're okay, pink. You are technically right, there are two aides to every story. And somebody has to be the advocate for the sinner, after all. We have to remember that she is a person too, and is probably going through serious issues. She deserves the same love and respect that all humans do. That doesn't mean that the guy did anything to provide the attack, it just means that there's obviously more going on here than just a bad temper. Maybe a disorder of some kind. I pity this woman.
Target marketing, social expectations, and social discrimination. Both sides are equally being hurt because we insist on separating out roles by the sex we are born with. I mean, we didn't choose to be born one way or another, why can't we grow as a society and treat everybody based on a fair level of justice?
Now, please tell me again how I don't understand things and how productive and benefitial violence always is.
Actually though, I think that a gladiator system would work best for wars; take a volunteer from the contesting countries and pit them against each other. Survivor wins. Entertainment for us bloodthirsty CoD addicts. Only one death.
I say this to say that we need to repeal such ideas that hitting people is wrong. In the case of my story, these parents are well deserving of a good lynching by the KKK. I'd gladly be the mob-leader. They completely destroyed his humanity and dignity and they deserve to be tortured likewise.
Back on topic, some people do deserve a good smack plus a bit. This woman is one of them.
@tylerchu I agree that violence might be nessesary, but I'd like to leave it as a last resort as violence can both kill and save lives. Although sometimes hitting is what's needed, (which I understand in a certain circumstance), it's flat out not good, and should try to be avoided. But again in a situation it might be nessesary.
I'm sorry. :(
Should I delete the comment?
She definently needs treatment and some people that watch at her to stop her from hurting someone again.