I get ripped on at work for being bald and that's absolutely not my fault... If I rip on someone at work for being fat id get fired even though it's their fault and they can change it. I have no sympathy for fat people
I sympathize with fat people. I don't sympathize with obese people.
In other words, if it's their fault they're fat, sucks to suck. If you're genetically inclined to be fat, sure you can try to NOT be fat, but it's hella lot harder just because you're naturally predisposed to be so.
@gosloe: if it were me, I would do three things, in no particular order:
1) Explicitly explain to HR the bias and unfairness that is present in that situation.
2) Get a lawyer.
3) Contact the media.
Why do we keep posting these posts regarding weight (positive or negative)? Someone always gets offended even though maybe they should probably loose some weight and someone else feels entitled to point out the health risks as if everyone doesn't know. Who the fuck cares? I came on here for funsubstance not fat shaming or making martyrs of the over weight. Let's get back to the Funsubstance please.
To be fair, you can have fatty muscle and lean muscle. Bodybuilders who do no cardio and only resistance exercise develop cardiomyopathy which thickens the wall of the ventricles and makes them less elastic in exactly the same way that a smokers heart would develop heart issues. Olympic weightlifters are actually dangerously unhealthy in certain ways, such as high blood pressure, kidney damage, heart enlargement etc. Muscle does not equal health unfortunately, but there is usually a strong correlation between people who exercise and people who are healthy, however this correlation is not perfect.
Can't we just fucking leave each other alone? If you think fat people look good then date one, whatever. If you don't then don't. If you think smoking is cool that's your deal and if you think its gross that's your deal. What other people do legally is nobody's business but their own and you don't know if a person is fat because they don't care, are pre disposed, have cushings syndrome, take Prednisone or other meds that cause weight gain, too poor to afford produce on a regular basis, or if they went through some trauma that led to their disordered eating. Like wise you don't know why someone started smoking or drinking. So unless your kid or friend/family member is getting fat keep your mouth shut. Just fucking leave each other alone because 9/10 people don't change their lives because some random person who isn't a doctor said to.
In countries with a national health system where taypayer's money goes towards treating the effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle and becoming fat or obese, there are bound to be people who have the inclination and the right to complain about how much of their tax dollars goes towards these people with self-inflicted pathologies. It is in every governments interest to keep costs down by reducing healthcare spending on preventable issues such as obesity, some people are just more vocal about it than others. No man is an island remember.
Guest, that is one of the reasons I'm against universal health care. It gives the government a reason to dictate what foods you can and cannot eat. Freedom... you're doing it wrong, America.
Reminder that this post is not talking about fat in an aesthetics point of view but presenting the fact that obesity is unhealthy. However, I agree it could have been worded differently since being a bit chubby and being morbidly obese are two completely different things.
As an "overweight" or "fat" person i can honestly say that i have no medical problems and to be technical being over weight doesn't mean that you do, there are thin people out there with loads of health issues so your weight shouldnt be something that defines you, people should not just assume being "fat" means your unhealthy,
Also let me point out that when a person is saying that a plus size women is beautiful, i dont think that they mean to promote obesity they are just saying that beauty radiates from within and is not just a number on the tag of your clothing
In my opinion, as long as someone's weight isn't causing them health problems, they have the right to look the way they look without having people bash them for it.
If you run a construction company you probably don't want to hire someone with knee problems because they wouldn't be able to get the job done. That's just common sense. If you're hiring for a desk job then it shouldn't really matter.
If you love someone you care about his/her health. And therefore, it matters if it is unhealthy.
· 10 years ago
No you can't. But if they love you back they will at least consider your proposal of losing weight. Not just because you said it, but because they will realise the real danger of it.
I love how all your points are based on sexual preferences.
I'm not an english native either :p.
Yes i get your point. What i mean is, aside from being attracted to the person, you should prioritize his/her health before any kind of physical attractiom.
You should think about their health whether you find unhealthy beautiful or not, because guess what, your offspring and the rest of your line will hold those genes for unhealthiness.
My mum had started putting on some weight, instead of just letting her keep putting on weight, my dad suggested that we all start eating healthier and doing some exercise. Its the best decision our family ever made, we all feel better about ourselves and are putting an effort into being healthier and fitter.
Yes because your experience is a universal truth. Doctors will surely tell you that people react the same exact way to health problems and treatments for them. Oh wait, they don't say that. Because everyone is different. If this is true please explain to me how I ate a relatively healthy diet and worked out rigorously 2 hours five days a week (swimming, which burns around 800 calories an hour if you're going at a good pace) and yet still gained 30 pounds.
All I wanna say is (generally) if you believe you can't lose weight, that's okay, but don't tell other people that being obese is healthy and okay. It promotes an unhealthy precedent and makes for a rather unfit lot of people.
Oh nice passive agressively quote me. Because admitting I wasn't perfect means I ate pizza and candy all day right? I HAVE NEVER SAID OBESITY IS OK NOT ONCE. My whole argument is about people just not ridiculing and nagging each other! Fat people aren't breaking any laws! And there are a dozen reasons someone could be fat without them being lazy just as there are a dozen reasons people are too thin without starving themselves! I developed asthma when I was 4. When I was a child I had to take prednisone for the asthma and is secretly stopped taking it because I gained a bunch of weight and people made fun of me, I'm not talking other kids I mean teachers and parents! I could have DIED from an asthma attack on the playground because I was too young to realize the implications of stopping my meds and society says its ok to pick on fatties. People like you claim things I've never said so you can justify tearing down strangers rather than having some empathy and minding your own damn life.
In other words, if it's their fault they're fat, sucks to suck. If you're genetically inclined to be fat, sure you can try to NOT be fat, but it's hella lot harder just because you're naturally predisposed to be so.
1) Explicitly explain to HR the bias and unfairness that is present in that situation.
2) Get a lawyer.
3) Contact the media.
Also let me point out that when a person is saying that a plus size women is beautiful, i dont think that they mean to promote obesity they are just saying that beauty radiates from within and is not just a number on the tag of your clothing
I love how all your points are based on sexual preferences.
Yes i get your point. What i mean is, aside from being attracted to the person, you should prioritize his/her health before any kind of physical attractiom.