All the 90 ' kids originated in the 80's did they not...? I was born in the 90's but wasn't old enough to experience "90's" things because I was too young. It's a little unfair to say know your role when she/he was just trying to show some pride in his/her childhood.
I just finished HIMYM and was saying boats boats boats at work all day today. This is the first time I've seen your name on here.
You really don't have to write "2000's kids", because everyone born in the 2000's are still kids. That's why 90's kids are so nostalgic about the 90's, because they're not kids anymore, and their childhood is over. So, wait a couple of years.. ;)
You are a child until you're about 18, where you have to take care of yourself. I'm tired of all these 13 year olds saying "Shut up, I'm not a kid anymore!! Waah! >:((". You're a kid and you'll be a kid for the next five years or so, please halt your stupid opinion because you'll just regret your damn mental capacity the next year. (Before anyone calls me a grouchy grown-up; I'm a 15 year old kid)
Also, why are 90's kids limited to things in the 90's that's 10 years, you have things listed from 2010 on as well, that'll give 2000 kids 80 more years of things than us 90s kids (2090 will be our years again... just you wait)
Well if you were born in 1990 you'd only be 100, I may live to see 95
· 10 years ago
When we say that we miss the 90s it's not necessarily just about what we had to play with or watch on tv. The culture and attitude of the country was just better. It was more fun. Music is more opinion but everything else was more real. Cell phones were few and far between and no kids had one so when we hung with friends we engaged with each other and not just half heartedly. There was no reality TV and cgi filled movies. I'm 28 years old now and looking back I can honestly say I wish things were more like they were then than they are now.
This doesn't really help your point, most are the opposite of epic. And btw, the kid born in the 90's are the one who actually enjoyed all the 90's stuff you hear about PLUS this, because then "2000's kids" were just toddlers...
I don't think the iPhone's count, nor a chunk of the movies or shows mentioned. I do applaud your effort biscuit, there is nothing truly spectacular about the 90's and people glorifying it are the equivalent of those who glorify the 50's. Those people don't deserve the respect that they think they deserve for such opinions.
Way to be a jackass your self. Thanks for telling a person proud of their own child hood that it actually sucked and that yours was better. You know, they are still kids. Your saying that to a kid? Wow, what a wonderful generation the nineties was, so polite.
If you wanted to pretend that you're a 90's kid, you should not have finished this post saying "here are the 2000's kids and long shall "WE" reign".
*Captain flies away screaming*
The author of this post is technically a 90s kid, but was born in 1999 and would probably identify more with children of the 2000s than children of the 90s.
the author is technically not a 90s kid. Its not when you are born, its when you grew up. You aren't an "80s kid" if you were born in 1988 because you don't actually remember growing up in the 80s
Really? This is how you prove you are more mature? By bashing people, depending on what time they were born? (I'm talking about comments) We didn't choose it! I didn't come up to my parents in their sleep and leave them sumbliminal messages such as: give birth to me in 1999, because it seems like a good year. No! And guess what - your praised 90's technology, reserved only for the 90's kids - I got my Tamagotchi in 2006. I had a great childhood. Not all shows sucked. You just highlight those which did. Your 'era' wasn't perfect either. Everything is flawed. And that's what makes it unique. You say you were brought up in a better environment, say you have better manners. Your parents did a good job parenting. I doubt it. It's not really nice to put someone down about SOMETHING THEY CAN'T CONTROL. That's not good mannered. You are just as bad. I had a great childhood, although all of it is in 2000's. I'm not missing out on anything. It's different, obviously. But not anything less. (c)
• I don't think anyone bashed the time they were born, but the post itself.
• It has no point because those are still kids.
• Everyone knows the 90's didn't tone down until around 2005
There's good people everywhere, from every "era", that's obvious. And nothing is perfect, just good.
The 90's are about nostalgia, for something you, most likely, won't see around anymore, which doesn't apply to this post.
EXACTLY. Just cuz it was made in the nineties, doesn't mean I can't play or watch or eat or whatever the hell I want with it now. I'm proud of my childhood, and I still have a few years to go. I'm gunna make the best of it, so I can look back and think, my childhood was great. I don't wanna remember these mean comments and people trying to say they're better than us. That's rude, who does that?
*stage whispers to guest* (No, the reason I loved it was because it was a good kids show, dumbass. I wouldn't love it any more or less depending on when it stated, the year has nothing to do with the quality of the thing.)
Actually you couldn't have watched Harry Potter when you were born in 2000. In my country you had to at least be 12 years old so - BAM born in the 90s you're perfect to go.
Both generations have had their ups and downs. I think people who were born in the 90s shouldn't be telling 2000s kids that their childhood was better and vice versa.
Exactly, are they trying to make kids, under fourteen, feel like their entire past life sucked? That their generation is worse? Talk about "adults" born in the nineties looking back on their childhood... Acting a lot more like kids, eh?
PS to whoever said 14 shouldn't be considered a kid couldn't proved the opposite any better. When you reach a certain age you have the ability to look back and realize you were still a kid and didn't know as much as you thought. And for the 90s kids its about reflecting on that childhood because we have hit that age. (Not that there is anything wrong with it) but if you were born in the 2000s you just aren't there yet but you will be.
Well I can relate to both because I was born in 95 so I still had a lot of childhood to go through when 2000 came around but I was old enough to remember the 90s. So I guess I'm some awkward half way point.
Im from 97 so technically im a 2000s kid... a lot of this stuff is really shitty. Im embarrassed that theyre even on the list. The 90s have mch better stuff in my opinion (not all of this stuff was shitty, i liked a few of em, but the rest hell no)
Fuck yeah, Kim Possible! Some of the 2000's stuff really rocked, although some of it was garbage. But some 90's stuff was pure bullshit too. It's not like one era produced only good stuff and the other only bad, which is what all the proud 90's kids claim.
I'll give you the new Disney movies, but the sequels wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the originals that came out in the 90s. Plus let's face it.. Disney's timeless so that doesn't really count.
And some of the best things on this list are from the 80s & 90s.... Magic School Bus? Pokemon? Neopets? C'mon!
· 10 years ago
Neopets and Pokémon was the SHIT(Neopets faded out, but Pokémon is still going strong) when I was five.
Okay, 90's kids were born in the 80's and early 90's. 2000's kids are about 96-05? In spite of some of its logic flaws like the items listed originating too early or too late to be relevant, this post is someone's SUBJECTIVE opinion. Let's just respect that person's opinion and pride for their 2000's childhood.
THANKYOU. I'll just ignore he jealous people above ^_^ I agate when people say "only ninety kids" but I remember exactly everything they did. It's unfair just cuz I was born a month later then 1999. :/
Seriously, we put up with you nineties kids thinking your the shit, why can't you have the decency to give this person some respect because the take pride in their child hood. Screw all you.
What's so wrong with 2000's kids I still like those shows from the 90's and just because we were born in the 2000's doesn't mean that we had an awful childhood
What's so wrong with 2000's kids I still like those shows from the 90's and just because we were born in the 2000's doesn't mean that we had an awful childhood
Okay why are all of you acting so high and mighty, like your generation was the greatest? Ever generation has great parts of it and not so great parts of it. Biscuit is just trying to show pride in his/her generation, and not trying to trash you guys. I honestly thought funsubbers were better than this, just trashing each other, but I guess not.
It's not only about the TV-shows and games. We're nostalgic about the 90s because there's so much wrong now. I just learned about the new test you have to take to validate if you're ready for primary school. It's completely computer based. Why should a 5 year old know how to use a computer? When I took this test I had to balance on a straight line and walk backwards and stuff. It's just so sad :(
· 10 years ago
The fuck? THE FUCK!? A five year old? *jumps into ditch* I'm done with this world.
Most of this stuff is from the 90s and older wtf. And 2000s kids what you get shit after 2010? Nah. Nah....
· 10 years ago
Does it really matter when this stuff ORIGINATED? Children between the years of 2000-2010 enjoyed these things, even if they were originally from 1990-1999 or earlier. Sure, some movies were a bit later than 2010, but do the specifics honestly matter? We are talking about childhood objects here.
89 so I am a 90's kid. It's a stupid thing to get annoyed by but I do get annoyed by kids who were born in the mid to late 90's and claim to have memories of all the awesome 90's things.
It doesn't matter about if the stuff was wrong, the message is that 2000's kids are just a good as the 90's kids. I always see posts and its like if you didn't have this in your childhood then your childhood sucked! and it's like my childhood was actually pretty great thanks... we can't always say that the 90's was the best because we are getting further and further away from it, let the 90's go, move on, it was ages ago.
As a '2000' kid I really like this post. I mean, everyone wants to be nostalgic about their childhood. I get why nineties kids do, but it shouldn't be that only nineties kids can :)
But the thing is, the 90s culture didn't just die when 2000 hit. Yes, the technological revolution (that really began in the 80s) did change the way humans as a whole interract, but in reality, "90s" kids got to experience a majority of whats here because their childhood lasted into the 00s. It doesnt matter if you were born in 1990, you were still a kid when 2000 hit.
· 10 years ago
Look, it's been 6 weeks guest. Please no more comments.
(c) You say our generation is slutty. All of my friends(me included) have never even held hands with a guy. And yes, we do have teen pregnancies, but I bet you had them too. Today, it's just more publicised, because of the Internet. Apparently we don't learn/are stupid/are ruining the future. I'm 15. I speak two languages fluently, two quite well and just the basics of numerous languages. I like school. And as for future - it is hard to build something shiny on a pile of ashes. And lastly, we are not anything less than you, just because we were born in a different era. We have less experience, because we are younger. But sadly, you are not wiser. You proved that with the comments and bashing 2000's.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Sounds like somebody is jealous that they aren't a 90s kid.
Being slutty has nothing to do with never holding hands with a guy. You can hold hands, kiss, even have sex and not be a slut. A slut is a person with many casual sexual partners, and this generation definitely has that. Oh and btw, 90's and 00's kids are the same generation... ;-)
*Captain flies away screaming*
• It has no point because those are still kids.
• Everyone knows the 90's didn't tone down until around 2005
There's good people everywhere, from every "era", that's obvious. And nothing is perfect, just good.
The 90's are about nostalgia, for something you, most likely, won't see around anymore, which doesn't apply to this post.
*hums* We are gonna play Blues Clues, cause it's a really great game!
And some of the best things on this list are from the 80s & 90s.... Magic School Bus? Pokemon? Neopets? C'mon!