Why this crucial question doesn't have more upvotes, I'll never understand.
Next question: food. Water is simple enough in most biomes, but what about food? If we are close enough to civilization to "go into town" for provisions, we aren't far enough out. Live off the land then?
Yea,they might try to eat you. They're still growing,so they're hungry. Just put a bowl over your head,and they won't be able to eat you. They might try,though.
I want a cat. :-( I went to a shelter and fell in love with this cat and I wanted it so bad and I was depressed because I became so attached to it. I am moving in about a year so I have to wait.
Next question: food. Water is simple enough in most biomes, but what about food? If we are close enough to civilization to "go into town" for provisions, we aren't far enough out. Live off the land then?