someone please explain to me the pro-choice mindset, because it genuinely makes no sense to me. When someone has an abortion, they are destroying a unique and individual person that can never be recreated. I don't understand how location, level of development, or size can define a person. Please respond kindly, thanks.
@ penguinator. Personally I am against abortion. But I am pro-choice. There are just some situations which make it really difficult to have that baby. Imagine that you were raped and got pregnant. How would you feel? I mean it is so difficult to even try to understand this situation. Of course you can say adoption is still a possibility. But I think that every woman (and the father should also have a say) should have the right to decide, because everytime there is also a different backstory. That's the short version of how I see it.
Yes, not to hate or anything, but a lot of people against abortion forget about what happens after the birth it seems. The way I see it, the life of the would-be baby is much more likely to be a bad one. Yes there are parents that will love the kid no matter what, but the chances of a sad/neglected child is much more likely statistically. So my point of view is that if all the people who would've aborted the fetus didn't, and they just had them but never really wanted them would probably end up beating the child. Sad brutal outlook, but it is a possibility.
P.S I don't think this is the situation for everyone
Well, I think that to be pro-life means to also want to support the mothers if they decide to give up the child or raise it, which I think is something the pro-life movement still needs to work on. Also, the idea of killing a baby because it'll have a life is just like suicide; it doesn't eliminate the chance of things ever getting worse, it prevents things from getting any better. And that's really sad.
I saw a poster that made me understand the pro-choice argument completely.
It was something like this:
NEVER and easy choice
SOMETIMES the right choice
ALWAYS the woman's choice
When some stupid kids go out and decide to fuck each other, they've already made the choice to have the kid. At that point, it's too late to choose differently. Why shoud a harmless, defenseless baby be brutally murdered for the sake of convenience? Of course, there's the rape situation, but honestly, how is being a murderer any better than being a rapist? Would you really kill an innocent unborn child just because some guy put it in you? I really hate the hipocrocy of the world today. Downvote me all you like. As long as I don't get that "oh, it's not a real human, just a fetus" bullshit, I seriously don't care about any reactions to this comment.
PS: pro-choice does NOT mean "re-choose". I hate the way people are twisting simple vocabulary to suit their needs.
I don't know why dontjumpsherlock's post was downvoted-i thought it was 100% accurate. People don't realise how difficult it must be to decide it you want or are ready for an unplanned baby. Some people regret it, or abort the baby for selfish reasons. But whatever the reason, it's the woman who will have to give birth and care for this baby- SHE has to decide if she can support herself and this baby and if she even wants to!
And if she decides she can't or doesn't want to, she can go ahead and slaughter the little bugger. You left out that part.
... doesn't sound quite so noble when you think it all the way through, does it?
Okay, pro life people: imagine a scenario. In one hand you're holding a baby, the other hand a foetus- you are told you must drop one. If you really believe that a foetus is worth the same as a baby, you shouldn't be able to chose- you should have to flip a coin to decide.
Let me guess, asshole, you chose to save the baby.
It's because you're aware that there is a pronounced difference between fertilised cells and a real human being. Think about that
Then why did he use "asshole" instead of "arsehole", this jumping between US and British colloquialisms causes confusion.
· 10 years ago
I don't think anyone was confused just because they wrote a word with a British spelling.
'Foetus' has been the accepted and expected spelling of the word for far longer than 'fetus', anyway.
I think the proper pro-life response to that situation would be, "why the heck do I have to kill one of them? That's disturbingly sick and twisted to even put me in that situation to begin with."
But let's play along with the silly little game, just for kicks. Logically, there is no real difference between the two. The reason most people would choose the baby over the fetus is purely emotional attachment. It looks more human, so therefore I relate with it better, so therefore I like it better. That's all there is to it. It's not a well-reasoned decision, it's just basic, flawed evolutionary instinct. Big whoop. You scored zero points with that one.
Did you seriously just assume that I would drop the fetus? No, I would be torn.
Okay, in that situation, I would drop the fetus because it would already be dead. But if I had to choose between brutally murdering (that's abortion, to you pro-choice people) an unborn baby and killing an infant, no, I would not be able to make the choice.
a fully developed baby with a life or an fetus that knows nothing of the world or anything else- sorry but I'd choose the baby in a heartbeat! I personally believe that it's bad to abort a baby when it's in its final stages of development, but a fetus to me will never have the same value as a developed baby. I would feel awful aborting a fetus, but not as awful as I would choosing to kill a developed baby for the sake of something that doesn't even know it is depending on me.
Here's an antagonising comment that everyone will hate me for: most people who are pro-life are actually pro-birth because they don't think about the life that child will probably lead... ps. I think it depends on the situation...
· 10 years ago
See people? This is why abortion is horrible to do.
Leah has got it.
Except for the fact that the republicans want more live babies so they can grow up to be dead soldiers.
Hopefully nobody here minds me paraphrasing Carlin.
Whoops. I guess 2 people minded. :'(
Not everyone who is pro-life has the mental capacity of Sarah Palin. We actually know what we're talking about. If we didn't really believe that a life was being taken in abortion, we wouldn't fight so hard.
· 10 years ago
Unfollowing comments. Too many guest rants. Morrelli, AWAAAAAAY!
P.S I don't think this is the situation for everyone
It was something like this:
NEVER and easy choice
SOMETIMES the right choice
ALWAYS the woman's choice
PS: pro-choice does NOT mean "re-choose". I hate the way people are twisting simple vocabulary to suit their needs.
... doesn't sound quite so noble when you think it all the way through, does it?
Let me guess, asshole, you chose to save the baby.
It's because you're aware that there is a pronounced difference between fertilised cells and a real human being. Think about that
-Double high five, and a fist bump-
'Foetus' has been the accepted and expected spelling of the word for far longer than 'fetus', anyway.
But let's play along with the silly little game, just for kicks. Logically, there is no real difference between the two. The reason most people would choose the baby over the fetus is purely emotional attachment. It looks more human, so therefore I relate with it better, so therefore I like it better. That's all there is to it. It's not a well-reasoned decision, it's just basic, flawed evolutionary instinct. Big whoop. You scored zero points with that one.
Okay, in that situation, I would drop the fetus because it would already be dead. But if I had to choose between brutally murdering (that's abortion, to you pro-choice people) an unborn baby and killing an infant, no, I would not be able to make the choice.
Except for the fact that the republicans want more live babies so they can grow up to be dead soldiers.
Hopefully nobody here minds me paraphrasing Carlin.
Whoops. I guess 2 people minded. :'(