Don't have any. I'd much much rather live in Canada or Iceland or some place like that. New Zealand. But no, I live in the racist, homophobic, confederate flag-waving Deep South.
It's sort of very difficult to just move out of your country, particularly if you don't have a job to support yourself. You may hear it now and then, but I'd bet that it's pretty rare to hear it anywhere, America or anywhere else.
Nirvanafyre! You are my hero! I'm so sick of people thinking this country is the best in the world when it's clearly not and only getting worse with time.
I'm planning on moving away as soon as I can, but it's not as easy as it sounds.
· 9 years ago
I hope you step on a Lego
· 9 years ago
Haha I really want to move to either Europe or New Zealand. Even though Europe is kinda going down the drain since they accepted "multiculturalism" now before you all get mad... As soon as Muslims started flowing into Europe, the rape and murder rate skyrocketed. Tons in Sweden, it is now the rape capital.
· 9 years ago
I wasn't even aware of it til my straight up Viking blood friend told me. Looked at the statistics and was like well maybe they aren't all bad but damn look at these numbers
Accidentally removed comment. But I would still think it's kinda racist to assume everyone of those people are from an outside country.
· 9 years ago
It's just statistics. It's not racist at all. Rape rate insanely low with pure genes and basically only Swedish people. Rape rate skyrockets when they let in all of those Muslims. (They also hold signs saying "fuck freedom, sharia law is the true way")
Uhm, yeah... I think you are generalizing too much. That might happen on a few places but not everywhere. That's like saying all Muslims are tallibans...
I just looked it up, and it says that the amount of REPORTED rape has increased. That doesn't necessarily mean that rape over all has increased. There's a difference. Now I'm not saying that it is this way, just that you can't actually see if it basin creased or decreased because not every victim comes forth and report it.
· 9 years ago
So I mean it is taught to accept everybody of every race and sexuality and whatever but there are some groups of people that the majority are just not good...
Its a tad ironic of you to be calling the south racist
· 9 years ago
Not at all. I am only providing facts, not telling you something like "oh I think I am better because I am white" so go look up the definition of racism and shove it up your ass.
nirvanafyre I'm not saying your a racist at all but I think your "facts" are strongly biased and probably from like mind people whom share your opinion. As well as skewed in such a way as to make your augment rather than stated objectively. Although I agree that Americans are viewed as racist and it's absolutely true in some regions, racism isn't just an issue in america! In fact racism is a big issued all over the world including in Canada.
nirvanafyre, i think your confused
Muslim is not a race nor a country but a religion
you are comparing Muslims with Swedish
many people that were born in Sweden are Muslim so they are Swedish and Muslim
and nowhere in Islam Muslims are required to hold up a sign that says "fuck freedom" or allowed
to rape anyone in FACT the punishment of rape in Islam is stoning to death or life time imprisonment equal to murder
so i don't think any Muslim would be eager to rape anyone
so please don't confuse extremist or Taliban or Isis with Muslim because they are far from Islamic ideology,laws,ways of life and out of the circle of Islam.
apologies to anyone who find my comment offensive.
· 9 years ago
I am not confised at all. A lot of what you said, I either already know, or you are confused about what I said perhaps. I'm sick of arguing with people that feel the need to be accepting of everybody when the fact is, some people just fucking suck in large groups. I've done research on the subject out the ass when my Scandinavian friend told me about this problem, I know perfectly well everything you think I am confused about.
why then,may i ask, are you constantly blaming ALL Muslims for the worsening situations in Europe.
there is no hard evidence that only the muslims are responsible for such crimes in Europe.
I know muslims are easy to blame because of our bad reputation due to some groups i mentioned earlier who use the name of islam to do such heinous crime pretending they are requiered by islam to do so.
muslims already lived in europe and sweden when the rates of crime were low so its wrong to blame them too.
Muslims live in each country of the world, even in the most peaceful areas, so if they were required by Islam to fuck things up everywhere and do such crimes ,i promise you the world would be a lot less peaceful.
in every country,race ,religions there are people who "fucking suck" so its wrong to blame and potarit the whole community for the actions of such people.
like for example the case of america was being argued above
by the role of media the picture of america is not good in other-
-countries, even in mine.
but i know, despite being regularly told that america is very aggressive and "bad hearted" nation,it is not.America is a large country and is full of many communities and different types of people.
the people of america are no different then the rest of us and are actually very friendly.
so it is wrong to judge them on the basis of actions of few people and by believing lies told by the media.
Even on this website there are users that come from all types of communities and countries but none seem different from others and all are friendly
so why believe the "facts" and lies of the world when the reality is quite the opposite.
Again apologies to anyone who finds my comment offensive.
· 9 years ago
Okay I never said I'm blaming ALL Muslims, I explicitly said otherwise. And the media has absolutely nothing to do with it, they aren't covering any of it. I had to be introduced to these FACTS through a friend whose grandmother went home from visiting him while I was there, back to Germany. She was immediately in the crossfire of a Muslim shooting up a street. She was interviewed about it. I'm saying that in the states, nobody hears about this stuff so you cannot blame the media for my "skewed image" of Muslims. I am a man of science and logic. I take in fact and observation and then I make my judgement.
People "hate" you because it's the stupid and obnoxious Americans that make the most noise (especially on the Internet). Then we see those guys as the average American.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Who just won the biggest women soccer tournament in the fucking world???
Congratulations but who also has shitty gun laws, alot of racism and homophobia?
Oh thats right, America.
America isn't as bad as a lot of other countries but it's nowhere near as good as it likes to pretend it is.
Like I said, America isn't as bad as a lot of other countries but it's not amazing as Americans try to tell everyone it is and yes you take shootings as a big deal but no it doesn't happen all the time in other countries. I live in England and shootings are extremely rare compared to in America, I'm not saying Englands perfect because it definitely isn't, but it's not as bad for gun crimes as America.
The image you showed, Murica, that's just one side of a 200 sided dice. Not every other country is like that. And I'm also pretty sure that most terrorism attacks occur in America or the Middle East. At the same time I agree with deanancas.
No we dont. The US is different about gun laws because the right and freedom to own weapons is a GUARANTEED right set by our founder's to protect ourselves from foreign invasion and our own government and that WILL NOT change its a fundamental part of our history.
I think that's the problem at hand here. Sure, it's great to be able to own guns. But even 10 year olds can get their hands on an assault rifle. It's great to be able to protect yourself, whether from your own country or others. But sometimes it goes too far.
Umm ten year olds cant just get have to be 18 to buy a shotgun or assault rife and 22 to buy a handgun the real problem here is parents not teaching their kids to respect the weapon in my opinion a child who grew up (like me) knowing the power you have behind the trigger and to have the respect for life and the fear of god pounded into you at a young age you are less likely to accidentally kill someone
It's called freedom. Something a lot of countries don't have. Racism and homophobia exists especially in America? Give me a break. You only say that because you don't know anything about the rest of the world.
· 9 years ago
Wait, do YOU know anything about the rest of the world?
I know the basic beliefs, current events, and history of most countries. And why should I share that to you? All you contributed to this conversation is "same here".
· 9 years ago
Good point. But I'm not doing this just to disprove. I actually want to know some of this.
I didn't say homophobia and racism are only in the US I was just making the point that America is nowhere near as perfect as Americans like to pretend, there are no perfect countries but there is definitely better countries than America.
Lets see, the right to have a gun to protect yourself.... how does a gun protect you from a bomb exactly? Or a drone? Or someone with full gear specifically designed to protect them from bullets? At this rate, we're using a musket to protect ourselves from aliens. Its all out of date and needs a reality check.
Love, an educated American.
Honestly all this bickering is pointless all it does is stregthen stereotypes, prejudice and hate towards each other. We need to focus that hate on the people responsible for murdering others in Paris, Copenhagen, London, New York, Ontario and many other places where terrorists have killed people they are the real enemy.
Because Americans are just "other" enough to be thought of as strange and used as a scapegoat/used for venting frustration, but not "other" enough for it to be considered racist or culturally insensitive to make fun of them.
Yankees are a baseball team up north.In states around New England Yankees and Red Sox are really big baseball teams.I should know since i live in Massachusetts
Actually yankees comes from the city of new york which at the time had a large dutch population and the most common name was jan kees or something like that so yankees became the nickname
Because the rest of the world sees famous Americans on TV and bases the rest of the American population on them. So we look as stupid as Miley Cyrus and arrogant as Kanye west
The cocktail of ignorance, pride and the unusual nature of the US gives arise to this unadulterated pure nationalism which I don't think other countries come close to. Most other countries just know better. Everyone other country has nationalism but they know that they aren't the best. The remarkable thing about American patriotism is that it's fuelled by the odd idea of American exceptionalism. It genuinely appears to be the case that a good number of Americans consider themselves the 'most free", the "most fair", the "most wealthy", the "most entrepreneurial", the "least corrupt", the "most abundant", etc etc, without letting facts get in the way. There is also this odd assumption that the things that American does differently to the rest of the developed world are again things to note and celebrate. So the British are hugely proud people,check out the pride on display in the Olympic Games opening ceremony, but they also acknowledge the faults and mock themselves openly about them.
Then when you really look at it, America exceedes everyones expectations in some aspects but you fall so far behind in other aspects that the rest of the world sees as rights and things that are expected. Healthcare and the corruption in your government (big companies paying out politicians, much more that everywhere else in the world). The fact that you don't see healthcare as a right is frankly absurd to the rest of the world. confusing and almost illogical gun laws and the highest incarceration rates in the world. On many of the lists of the best countries to live in/the safest countries to live in you don't come near the top yet on the lists of how people rate their own countries you always come in the top five
I did not infact, insult the entire continent of North America, I explained what i believed to be the reasons behind why people think these statements are true about the COUNTRY of America. Also the seconds have of your statement doesn't make sense. Are you trying to imply that I insulted America then went to their country anyway or are you trying to say, in poor english, that i 'shouldn't go there' (not as in the country but the figure of speech way)
Its kind of like the guests on funsubstance there are good ones and bad ones , there are alot of bad ones making some disgusting comments but not all the guests are bad and once in a while a guest makes a really funny comment but the bad guests kinda outway the good guests. So thats why the rest of us dont like guests in general. Thats kind of what its like with america thereare some good bit the bad outway the good.....and by the way i travelled around america for a month and i must admit i will never return.
Also my next door neighbour is american and they said they moved to ireland because they hated america and they love it here they love the food the people and the surroundings
Wow that was a longer comment than i expected sorry
America is a very diverse country. Yes, we are proud of our country. I'm not sure why that has turned into a bad thing. Most realize America is NOT the BEST, so what's the problem?
At this point in time, literally every country is made up of immigrants, emigrants and expats. Very few people have had their entire family line stay in one country. You can't claim that America is good because of this or that it makes them different or is an excuse for the bad parts because every country has them too and that negates the fact
I'm sorry but I agree with murica. America has some of the finest war technology, and the best army/marine system in the world. You know why? We do not force it upon our people to be in the war, as many countries do. We join because we protect our country together, which is why our army is so motivated. I am not saying that this is the best country. I'm not saying that any hateful things about other countries. But (I'm gonna say it) by the power of freedom, we have some of the most protected people and best security in the world. The south has awful gun laws and racism. You know how many people in the south are like that? Not even a 1/4 of this country. And you know why many of us are against gay marriage laws? Because this country revolves around the bible. Many Islamic countries Qur'an. It's just how we work. Don't hate us for that. I'm against gay marriage. I still would've voted for equal marriage. Because I'm against restricting people for the way they think, look, talk, anything.
The problem when it comes to the worlds perception of america is similar to a (probably slightly paraphrased) old saying of a wise man has few words hell ever say and a fool never seances(or how ever you spell that) speaking since america is one of the most influential and active countries in media in global politics and on the web (or at least appears to be) a lot of people see the things people say and associate them as representative of there area I live near where duck dynasty is filmed and you would not believe the number of people who think that how the world down here works Where as the reality is most people near here work in some for of IT or accounting position.
I'm definitely not going to say that America is the best country ever, but it certainly isn't the worst. We have a lots of problems that need to be fixed and some that may never get fixed just because of some idiotic people in the country. It honestly breaks my heart to see about how bad the stereotypes for our country is just because of certain things that may have happened in the country or because a certain type of people always seem to be to the most boisterous Americans on the Internet who are always causing arguments and problems. I realize that this probably won't change the minds of anyone speaking against America but hopefully it can at least show them that not all Americans are just like the stereotypes.
I'm planning on moving away as soon as I can, but it's not as easy as it sounds.
Muslim is not a race nor a country but a religion
you are comparing Muslims with Swedish
many people that were born in Sweden are Muslim so they are Swedish and Muslim
and nowhere in Islam Muslims are required to hold up a sign that says "fuck freedom" or allowed
to rape anyone in FACT the punishment of rape in Islam is stoning to death or life time imprisonment equal to murder
so i don't think any Muslim would be eager to rape anyone
so please don't confuse extremist or Taliban or Isis with Muslim because they are far from Islamic ideology,laws,ways of life and out of the circle of Islam.
apologies to anyone who find my comment offensive.
there is no hard evidence that only the muslims are responsible for such crimes in Europe.
I know muslims are easy to blame because of our bad reputation due to some groups i mentioned earlier who use the name of islam to do such heinous crime pretending they are requiered by islam to do so.
muslims already lived in europe and sweden when the rates of crime were low so its wrong to blame them too.
Muslims live in each country of the world, even in the most peaceful areas, so if they were required by Islam to fuck things up everywhere and do such crimes ,i promise you the world would be a lot less peaceful.
in every country,race ,religions there are people who "fucking suck" so its wrong to blame and potarit the whole community for the actions of such people.
like for example the case of america was being argued above
by the role of media the picture of america is not good in other-
but i know, despite being regularly told that america is very aggressive and "bad hearted" nation,it is not.America is a large country and is full of many communities and different types of people.
the people of america are no different then the rest of us and are actually very friendly.
so it is wrong to judge them on the basis of actions of few people and by believing lies told by the media.
Even on this website there are users that come from all types of communities and countries but none seem different from others and all are friendly
so why believe the "facts" and lies of the world when the reality is quite the opposite.
Again apologies to anyone who finds my comment offensive.
Oh thats right, America.
America isn't as bad as a lot of other countries but it's nowhere near as good as it likes to pretend it is.
Would you rather live there or in America
Love, an educated American.
Also my next door neighbour is american and they said they moved to ireland because they hated america and they love it here they love the food the people and the surroundings
Wow that was a longer comment than i expected sorry
actually nice about his.
Thank you.
I liked your comment.
*no offense to muslims