tbh I hated saying the pledge every goddamn day. Even when I was a kid (and didn't have the concept of brainwashing/indoctrination) I still felt like it was a completely unnecessary and worthless way to spend time. Once a week maybe. I dunno. I suspect this might be the thing that gets me in huge trouble if I decide to join the military.
We used to only say it on Mondays but for some reason they decided to change it to an everyday thing this year. And it isn't forced, some students don't always say it, but honestly, I like that we do. I guess coming from a military family, it's just what we do.
In America we're taught to bow down and worship the cloth of magic. We salute it, hail it, and pledge ourselves to it. It is our life, and we owe it our souls.
Puerto Rico, and even though we're US territory we don't do this lol we just have our flag and the US flag in poles outside any government building or a school, but that's it...
I think it's actually kinda awesome that muricans are that loyal. Somewhat scary and unusual that you say a pledge and have flags everywhere, but cool that you appear to be willing to do anything for your country.
· 9 years ago
That's what made us strong back in the day. Our army loved our country, and wanted to defend our freedoms with their lives. People think it's systematic or forced, but most of us actually do like it. It's a good place to live. Better than some, at least.
America is a pretty young country it doesn't have loads of history to fall back on and see where it came from that's why the flag means so much it represents things that other countries take for granted like the monarchy in England IMHO anyway
Fun fact time: "under God" was added to The Pledge as a way to battle atheist Communists. The whole hand on the heart thing was added later, in the 60's I think; previously, they used to do what was called the Bellamy Salute, which looked very similar to the a Nazi salute. Lastly, there have only been three civilizations throughout history that either require or strongly suggest their citizens salute or pledge to a national flag: The Roman Empire, The Nazis, and The US.
I don't know if you're implying that the US is like nazi germany or not, but remember that if we were like them and agreed with their ideas then we wouldn't have fought against them in world war 2
Remember that the US is such a mixmatch of cultures and peoples that it's literally impossible to get us to agree on anything.
I'm 98% sure that there are people who come from a background where rape and murder is a good thing.
I believe you may be confusing your facts. The US never sided with the Nazis... at any point. We did however, bring over 1,600 Nazi rocket scientists to the US but that was for our own personal gain. They were very far ahead of us in that technology and we wanted it. We were never on their side. Now, I don't disagree with you that some Americans may have agreed with the Nazis, but not the majority.
The German-American Bund was a huge group of German-Americans that advocated for neutrality before and during the war. The main goal of the Bund was to promote Nazi ideals, but they knew they could never get Nazism to stick in the US, so they tried to keep the US out of it. After the war started, and especially after the details of the Holocaust started to filter in, the Bund was disbanded the federal government and several of it's top leaders went to prison.
I live in a very small town in Tennessee, basically twenty mins from pigeon forge, and we have a US flag, two Tennessee state flags and three Confederate flags in one room.
· 9 years ago
I never understood the Confederate flags thing. (I'm not from US)
In Canada, at least where I live, we have a small flag in some of the classes and every morning we stand and listen to the anthem then sit and work. When you're in elementary and under though they make you sing it so you will learn it.
· 9 years ago
Nice! Here in Argentina we sing our anthem every day but not in our classrooms.
I do that but it gets real tiring after a few years.
And that's the way it should be.
@octoberroses- I haven't said the pledge of allegiance, on a daily basis, since 6th grade and I'm a Senior this year
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I've always been told that I didn't have to say the pledge if I didn't want to.
I'm 98% sure that there are people who come from a background where rape and murder is a good thing.
Pride in the American flag=nationalism