Are you new to funsubstance? This is totally a place where people come to debate and argue and make political statements. Sometimes its funny, sometimes it's sad, sometimes hopeful and sometimes TOTALLY infuriating.
· 9 years ago
No... Sex is determined by genes. Gender is a social construct....
Why do you care? I don't care. I care enough, however, to waste precious minutes of my life on this comment, not to change you're opinion, because frankly It won't work. Just please, I'm asking nicely, debate this somewhere else, because it doesn't affect you, and it doesn't interest us.
Actually gender is everything in the "is not" column. Sex is the biological, gender is the societal norm. If you're going to be an ass, at least use the right words.
Yes, a language is expected to change over time and yes, there can be something in a society that prompts that change. However, regardless of what will happen in the future you have whole generations still alive that still use a dictionary definition of the word which is gender = sex, the end. It's only recently that the other meanings have even become used.
Note that both sex and identity are used to define the word.
I don't particularly care one way or the other about the word or it's connotations, but you have to accept, at least for now, that gender still can and does mean sex even if other definitions now can include more. It's semantics really but we as a species hate change and there will always be those who fight it for good or bad. But hey in 100 years I'm sure this will be settled nicely.
Nah, we'll just have found a new set of concepts to fight over. A few times by then, actually... Considering that I'm pretty sure the advent of easy international communication has dramatically accelerated the change of language and thus the change of ideals.
Ditto. Did I see someone try to call you out in comments for spreading hate or something? I hit a post earlier complaining about hate on fs and when I tried to go back I couldn't find it again.
I was scrolling and got interrupted by a phone call before I could thoroughly read it and reply. Man was mentioned (big surprise) but I thought someone was complaining about people arguing with people that post hate too. I'm sure I misread it; you are certainly one of the LEAST hateful/antagonistic users here. Glad to have you around!
Yeah I think I know what you're talking about. Don't quite remember the post they were talking about though..and thank you! Glad to have you around as well. :)
honestly people need to stop arguing about this. someone's gender identity is no one's business but their own, and it's no one's place to tell someone else who they are or aren't. just let people be.
I agree that it's no one's place and I'm all for the live and let live bit, but I would say that some one's gender identity IS in fact other people's business only because everyone wants to be addressed however they identify. It's not always easy to tell.
Have you ever met anyone who identified as "plant-kin"? Or is it just some ridiculous statement you use as a weak excuse to justify your lack of acceptance for other people's perspectives?
It reminds me an awful lot of people who screamed " If homosexuals can get married, what's next? People will marry their couches and Llama's!" The statement is absolutely ridiculous and worse has no relevance to gay marriage at all. It's just used as a weak attempt to mock gay marriage, or undermine it's legitimacy.
What ever gender someone feels they are, whether it alligns with their sex or not has nothing to do with people that don't think of themselves as people, but plant-kin. Not that I truly believe that there is a huge population that thinks of themselves as plants rather than human, mind you.
Such a statement is just another weak attempt to mock and undermine the legitimacy of gender identity.
You know those old people who yell racial slurs from their porches and talk about the days when people could just call a "N**** a N****"?
If you don't watch yourself that's going to be you in 50 years. Don't ever take what has been deemed common as a sign that it is right or good. History shows us all the time how fallible we have been and still are when it comes to social constructs.
I have a hard time believing that there really are people who believe they are plants, or plant spirits.
It seems like some troll's invention to ridicule fluidity in identity.
I have come to ignore it, if someone wants to be, "Part flower spirit" then let them. I don't really mind if they're trying to troll because I let them do what they do and don't interact with them.
Look, if someone sincerely believes they are more plant than human, that's their business.
When someone uses "plant-kin" as a way to undermine gender identity, or as a way to mock it, that's another matter entirely.
Like I said before; the way Tyler stated it sounds like those homophobes that screamed " People will start to marry cows and chickens if we allow gay marriage!".
It was used by Tyler as a way to mock and illegitimize gender identity issues. And I really can't stand by idly when someone ridicules real issues.
If you care about others, you are willing to take them as they are. If you deem it your responsibility and prerogative to shoehorn people into strict definitions, being unwilling to allow each person his individuality, I see you as a fairly small little immature person. Life is huge, let go and enjoy it.
· 9 years ago
Well, thanks for your criticism. I do realize that my own opinion is the unpopular one
Why do trans people say they were a boy or they were a girl. Because they know there gender was there sex, yes they changed it but that doesn't mean they weren't a boy or a girl before.
Speaking of chromosomes, sex is determined by the 23rd pair, typically XX or XY. However, due to chromosomal anomalies, some individuals have a third sex chromosome, such as XXY or XYY. So even sex is not simply Male or Female. Science.
Having a third sex chromosome does not influence the sex in most cases. The product is still usually male or female, though there are rare cases in which the offspring can have both male and female sex organs. In the vast majority of cases where their gender remains definitively one way or the other, there isn't even any psychological difference, they simply have a chromosome that does nothing. But there are, again, exceptions, in which the offspring could identify with the opposite gender than their own sex.
There's actually a lot of religions that have up to 6 different "genders" because they believe you cannot be strictly what your genitals are. Plus, Biscuit0883 just gave a very reliable source that says "sex" is your genitals, and "gender" is masculine or feminine, which would explain why some men can be feminine, and some women can be masculine, and all of the different things in between. Say your gender (Masculinity/Femininity) was put on a number line, 1-10. 1, being super masculine, 10, being super feminine. There are tons of other things in between those two that can be felt, therefor the creation of tumblr's different genders.
I, personally, am genderfluid, and don't mind that some people don't think it's real. But, when it's blatantly hated and made fun of, or is "disproved" without the right resources, it kind of gets on my nerves. If you don't understand something, don't post things like this until you've done research. I respect your opinion, but only if you have a legitimate reason to have it.
ok good just making sure that we aren't under the delusion that genderfluid is something that should be a natural common occurance.
But it's also not a "bad" thing by any means.
Am I the only one here who actually agrees with the post? The thing is, there are people who are transsexual. Their brains think they're another gender. However, there's a lot fewer of them than tumblr thinks. Why? Because they label themselves as transgender for the silliest reasons. In my opinion, if you're a guy who likes housework, shopping, and makeup, then you're a guy who likes housework, shopping, and makeup, not a "genderfluid specialsnowflake-kin". The problem is, people think that in order to fit the gender roles which have absolutely no use in today's society, they need to be another gender. Making up new genders is a horrible solution to this problem. Why don't we get rid of gender roles altogether? Why don't we admit that the differences in our physiology have little to no effect on us achieving our goals anymore?
OK so I've been really confused as to what this fight is all about and after a tiny bit of reading this is what I have so far:
Sex= Xx or Xy or XXY (hermaphrodite)
Gender = masculine or feminine according to society norms. ( pink is feminine blue is masculine) *just an example don't chew my head off*
Now these two words have been used interchangeably until linguist started clearing up shit. Like when they said it isn't 'Splatter' but 'spatter', I was floored but adjusted myself and would tell others when the opportunity presented itself.
My problem is with the population who think it's OK to put down others for what they don't know and labeling them terms and titles they don't identify with as insults. As a bisexual growing up was hard, I was bullied, beaten and exiled for something I couldn't help being. I was so greatfull when I found the LBGT community, they were accepting and protective.
I think this this new bunch should teach from love not hate.
I don't know who you are and what you might be going through or how you were raised, but I know that this is wrong, and if you're not ok with people who aren't cis then just stay away from them, but don't be a bigot and force your opinions on everyone else and don't do what you're doing, because there are a lot of people struggling with gender and you're really not helping them.
Let me ask you, what sources back you up? What information are you basing that assertion off of? How are you defining gender? How did you come to that definition? Because from what I've seen, it sure as hell isn't a psychological perspective
· 9 years ago
psssst, rwby, those lead to blank google pages :P just copy past the definitions
Fucking links
noun: gender
the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender"
noun: sex; plural noun: sexes
(chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.
"he enjoyed talking about sex"
synonyms: sexual intercourse, intercourse, lovemaking, making love, sex act, (sexual) relations; More
mating, copulation;
informalnooky, whoopee, bonking, boinking, boffing, a roll in the hay, quickie;
technicalcoitus, coition;
datedcarnal knowledge
"they talked about sex"
the facts of life, reproduction;
informalthe birds and the bees
"teach your children about sex"
a person's genitals.
either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
"adults of both sexes"
I'm a psychology student and from the very start my professors and text books made sure to distinguish the difference between sex and gender. So I'm not sure where Gamer Girl gets her information, but gender is absolutely a psychological perspective.
It's literally impossible for a human to genuinely identify as a nonhuman. Trans people exist because somewhere along the manufacturing line, the brain decided to take the template of the sex opposite of the physical body. But there is no "template" for other animals or plants.
kinda unrelated but just thought I'd throw that out there...
I'm glad I have this information tyler. It was informative and interesting, so please feel free to throw any useful little tidbits in, regardless of whether or not you think they're related to the topic at hand :)
· 9 years ago
the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender" This is ONE dictionaries definition of gender. You will find just as many that states gender is male or female based on genitalia. Your definition doesn't prove anything.
unlike sOME people
Note that both sex and identity are used to define the word.
I don't particularly care one way or the other about the word or it's connotations, but you have to accept, at least for now, that gender still can and does mean sex even if other definitions now can include more. It's semantics really but we as a species hate change and there will always be those who fight it for good or bad. But hey in 100 years I'm sure this will be settled nicely.
It reminds me an awful lot of people who screamed " If homosexuals can get married, what's next? People will marry their couches and Llama's!" The statement is absolutely ridiculous and worse has no relevance to gay marriage at all. It's just used as a weak attempt to mock gay marriage, or undermine it's legitimacy.
What ever gender someone feels they are, whether it alligns with their sex or not has nothing to do with people that don't think of themselves as people, but plant-kin. Not that I truly believe that there is a huge population that thinks of themselves as plants rather than human, mind you.
Such a statement is just another weak attempt to mock and undermine the legitimacy of gender identity.
If you don't watch yourself that's going to be you in 50 years. Don't ever take what has been deemed common as a sign that it is right or good. History shows us all the time how fallible we have been and still are when it comes to social constructs.
It seems like some troll's invention to ridicule fluidity in identity.
When someone uses "plant-kin" as a way to undermine gender identity, or as a way to mock it, that's another matter entirely.
Like I said before; the way Tyler stated it sounds like those homophobes that screamed " People will start to marry cows and chickens if we allow gay marriage!".
It was used by Tyler as a way to mock and illegitimize gender identity issues. And I really can't stand by idly when someone ridicules real issues.
But it's also not a "bad" thing by any means.
There are no others? Or am I getting my daffynitions mixed around?
Sex= Xx or Xy or XXY (hermaphrodite)
Gender = masculine or feminine according to society norms. ( pink is feminine blue is masculine) *just an example don't chew my head off*
Now these two words have been used interchangeably until linguist started clearing up shit. Like when they said it isn't 'Splatter' but 'spatter', I was floored but adjusted myself and would tell others when the opportunity presented itself.
My problem is with the population who think it's OK to put down others for what they don't know and labeling them terms and titles they don't identify with as insults. As a bisexual growing up was hard, I was bullied, beaten and exiled for something I couldn't help being. I was so greatfull when I found the LBGT community, they were accepting and protective.
I think this this new bunch should teach from love not hate.
I wish people could just be not stupid people.
psssst, rwby, those lead to blank google pages :P just copy past the definitions
noun: gender
the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender"
noun: sex; plural noun: sexes
(chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.
"he enjoyed talking about sex"
synonyms: sexual intercourse, intercourse, lovemaking, making love, sex act, (sexual) relations; More
mating, copulation;
informalnooky, whoopee, bonking, boinking, boffing, a roll in the hay, quickie;
technicalcoitus, coition;
datedcarnal knowledge
"they talked about sex"
the facts of life, reproduction;
informalthe birds and the bees
"teach your children about sex"
a person's genitals.
either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
"adults of both sexes"
kinda unrelated but just thought I'd throw that out there...
"traditional concepts of gender" This is ONE dictionaries definition of gender. You will find just as many that states gender is male or female based on genitalia. Your definition doesn't prove anything.