Or one where possibilities for cures aren't even researched, but new pharmaceutical options are heavily researched by scientists funded by pharmaceutical companies.
Here's a different, colder way to look at it: what if all the medical advances in the last century and a half are impeding the natural process that weeds out the genetic defects that cause some of these diseases?
Didn't mean to start a vacination arguement, was meaning hereditary issues, things caused by bad genes being passed on where that bloodline would just end without modern medical practices to treat the disease. This was a debate topic in my biology class the other day, thought it was interesting
Why you are stupid if you think they hide cures;
Rich people get shit done, especially if it affects them negatively.
Rich people get cancer, aids, etc.
Cancer, aids, etc are still a thing.
Cancer, aids, etc.would not be a thing if rich people could help it.
Well we live in a society that criminalyzes cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms, and there is evidence that these two can help in some medical conditions, so yeah, we kinda live in that society.
A mildly-effective painkiller isn't a cure. I live in the Netherlands where I can buy weed in shops, but we're incurably ill as often as citizens from the USA. It's not weed that saves us, it's health insurance.
· 9 years ago
You mean: what's happening in America (or other places) right now
One of my friend works at Sidaction. One day she invited me to come to a huge party they're doing, so i came. They were celebrating the fact that they found not one, but 5 differents vaccines or kinda against AIDS. 'Til today, it was the biggest party and the craziest party i've been to, i swear.
5 years later, do you see any AIDS vaccines around?
Cuz i don't.
I've got a solution to the energy crisis and the climate-change: build a shell of solar panels around a star. Surely, since nobody has done it, it must be because of a conspiracy, not because it's freaking hard.
Guys, I work in a lab. We have not found a cure for cancer. I repeat, we still pure millions into our research facilities because we have still not found the cure. Stop believing this ignorant propaganda. Medicine is not simple
The "rich" still dying proves nothing. They are not important. Their revenue most likely accounts for 0.1% of all monetary transactions worldwide. Where as money brought in by wars and medicine costs help run governments. Why do you think America has such horrible health care costs? It brings in money. Even if people can't pay the full price, they still contribute something. It's too much money for them to let go. And THAT is why they keep the cures for the most powerful. When was the last time a POTUS died in office of a disease that was considered "incurable"? They are needed to keep running the corrupt system. You can't look at everything as a singular. You need to look at it as one giant game of chess where everything that happens is strategic plan orchestrated to trod down the masses. Grow up people, we are LIVING the conspiracy theory.
You mean Hitler. You know it's actually kind of morbid, but apparently we as humans got a shit ton of valuable medical information from the inhuman tests that were conducted on the prisoners of Auschwitz. We actually owe part of our understanding of modern medicine to fucking Hitler.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
That last sentence makes it sound like we fucked hitler in return of medical information.
First of all, that is prevention, not a cure. Second of all, it doesn't work for everything. You can do that all you want, but it won't do shit for a genetic disorder.
Rich people get shit done, especially if it affects them negatively.
Rich people get cancer, aids, etc.
Cancer, aids, etc are still a thing.
Cancer, aids, etc.would not be a thing if rich people could help it.
5 years later, do you see any AIDS vaccines around?
Cuz i don't.