That's what the dress code should be used for, and that's what I appreciate. In my school though, it's all bark and no bite. Girls dress like sluts and the admin care more about a kid who is only COORDINATING IB assassins (nerf gun battle in the international baccalaureate program where every person that signed up and signed a waiver is assigned one person to "kill" and inheret their target until one remains and it is all done off of school grounds). He's not in charge of how the students act within the game.
I agree but im still ok with a decent and reasonable dress code. I dont think 14 year old girls should be walking around in shorts so short her ass is hanging out. And guys should have their pants at the correct hight. But at the same time a dress code prohibiting girls from wearing anything shorter than knee length (my high school) is unreasonable
We have a very strict dress code policy at my school and we have computers i think the computers rule out the point of the dress code most people just stare at there screens anyway
Same with the Czech Republic. No dress code, no problem, and the boys really don't care.
Which makes me wonder, how many countries actually have a dress code in schools? I know that the USA does, and I would also guess the UK (with some schools also demanding uniforms I think) and maybe Japan (also uniforms I guess, unless it's just an anime thing), but how many countries out there enforce this code?
Well yeah, nobody here dresses like a slut either. In school, the top priority is comfort, so comfy jeans and T-shirt usually do the trick. It's not like people dress like sluts just because there's no dress code, that'd be a stupid assumption.
Maybe socialism and bending over backwards to acoommodate all aspects of political correctness has neutered the males there. Have you ever listened to the PC males? It's like ingratiating themselves to the most extreme misandrist viewpoints is the only thing that can get them some sex. Soon the US will be de-masculinized, and it looks like all the european countries are already there.
· 9 years ago
We wear uniforms at school. Outside, people judge you for literally everything. I mean, if you are wearing something that probably makes you look younger, or a slut, or whatever, people automatically judge you. It's annoying.
In my school we have a dress code but it's mostly just no clothing with profanity or promoting drug use and stuff, as long as you aren't in a bikini no one says anything
I live in New Zealand and the only schools that have dress codes are uniformed schools. We can where what we want where we want. It seems preposterous to me that some places actually dictate what students can wear.
Sure, you have the RIGHT to dress like that, but it is unprofessional and makes you look less respectable. It's just a bad choice made by idiots who believe it when tumblr tells them that dressing like a trashy slut 'empowers' them.
1. They don't need a uniform code a country like the Czech Republic or Sweden because it is too cold not to cover up for large portions of the year. They don't have 85 degree days in September. 2. Many studies have shown that dress codes help in America.... Maybe Americans wear more distracting clothing. Different culture, different rules.
Everyone needs to take into account the fact that we live in a completely different society. I dunno how it is in Sweden, but at my school at least, most people would most certainly be distracted. It's not only people wearing revealing clothes, but we also has codes about piercings and the use of profanity or pornographic images or any images that condone the use of violence, drugs, alchohol, or tobacco on any shirts or pants or anything else like that. So I have to disagree with this post and say dress codes, to an extent, are very important in schools.
At my school it is sort of all over the place: their are girls walking around with skirts higher then their "shorts" (which is WAY above the restriction), and the only thing the school cares about, and i'm not kidding, is the color of the students SOCKS. Which isn't mentioned in the rules. At all. Nothing. A dress is seen and it's "please pull / roll it down or find a longer dress, goodbye." but a blue or (god forbid) LIGHT GREY sock is seen, and it's all "what's this, not dark blue in shade #1674 exactly? detention, now, goodbye".
Everybody in the comments is just arguing about what you can and should be able to wear and what makes you a slut or whatever and I'm just here like . . .
Which makes me wonder, how many countries actually have a dress code in schools? I know that the USA does, and I would also guess the UK (with some schools also demanding uniforms I think) and maybe Japan (also uniforms I guess, unless it's just an anime thing), but how many countries out there enforce this code?
Fucking delusional.