It's a tragedy. The girl is the only genuinely pious one of the lot and we watch her stripped of options until the only thing she can do is abandon her god and sell herself to evil. Great slow burn stuff, although I know a lot of people hated it. Plus there's a scene where a witch grinds a baby to a paste and then rubs the paste all over her body and masturbates with it. That's pretty gruesome!
· 8 years ago
I mean it's gross, and a bit sad. But I dunno it just didn't scare me.
Wool, Shift, and Dust are pretty good, not to mention young reader-friendly.
I'm at the tail end of the Sigma Force series by James Rollins. It's about a group tasked with securing emerging tech and science before it can be used for "evil". It also has a lot to do with religion and history. It's pretty neat. Just make sure to read them in order, or you'll be in Spoiler Hell. The first book is "Sandstorm".
The Babadook is one freaky movie, and I recently watched Pontypool, which is also very good. It really depends on what kind of scare you're looking for.
· 8 years ago
Omg babadook is horrifying!!
But the end was kind of upsetting
Go watch stanger things on Netflix. It's like a Stephen King kinda horror.
· 8 years ago
Not a movie, but the Silent Hills playable teaser is the single scariest thing I've experienced. Watching someone else play it doesn't do it justice, which is a shame since you can't get it anymore. If you happen to know someone with it on their PS4, I wouldn't pass it up.
Depends what is your idea of scary. Personally most of times I'm not scared at all during a movie, but when I'm alone in my room the night after.. that's when I can tell if it was actually a good scary movie.
For the first time after watching many many scary movies over the oast couple of years, I walked out of the cinema still shaking and looking around me, after watching "As Above So Below".
You've probably seen The Shining. Misery is great, too, and so is The Mist, although The Mist will make you cry. A lot. The Merciless and Bliss are both fairly interesting as scary books, too, but not that great.
I'm at the tail end of the Sigma Force series by James Rollins. It's about a group tasked with securing emerging tech and science before it can be used for "evil". It also has a lot to do with religion and history. It's pretty neat. Just make sure to read them in order, or you'll be in Spoiler Hell. The first book is "Sandstorm".
But the end was kind of upsetting
"The orphanage" was also good but following subtitles get was worth though
You can watch it everyday when you wake up
Just make sure you BYOD (bring your own Depends).
Edit for capitalization of a brand name.