I think I kind of inherintly know mine has something to do with water or maybe it's the ocean it has to do with idk, but I visited the ocean for the first time that I would remember and I can just feel it all the time now, like my body just goes with waves now idk how to explain it or if this is even related to the post at all I don't really know.
I can close the little flap between the nose/ sinus cavity and the throat. I can move my ears independently and often do so unconsciously in response to sound.
I've never broken my phone, tablet and even my laptop, even though I've dropped all three of them multiple times without any kind of case on them. Like, one time, I dropped my phone on the bus, I thought it was about to go out the door, but it got hit by the door, bounced up the aisle like a pinball and stopped by my feet. It worked fine for another two years until I got an upgrade
This is actually the plot of a book I read when I was younger, called "How to Ditch Your Fairy", where all of those little mundane things are attributed to a person's fairy. The main character has a parking fairy (that makes it so that she always finds the perfect parking spot) but she hates her fairy. And there are people in the book who don't believe in fairies, but they're scarce.
There is also a great book called amy cardenelie(? Name might be wrong i read it a loong time ago) one and only magical power. Its a bit like this but the magic is more impossible little things people cando, like spin an egg by pulling on your ear lobes. still a cute book tho and i highly recomend it
I think my minor magical ability must be finding 4 leaf clovers. I have found them quite often and yesterday I found 2! Well, to be exact I found 1 4leaf clover and one 5 leaf clover, which I think must be luckier than the 4 leaf kind :P
mines is making popcorn that never burns. I always put popcorn at 1 minute and 30 seconds and it comes out alright but when my parents try it at a minute and 30 seconds it always gets somewhat burned
Once I was singing a song and I turned on the radio and it was on the same song, at the exact same part... its only happened once but its still pretty cool
I have dropped my Kindle in the bath at least a half dozen times and soon as it dries out it's good as new. And once I washed AND dried a thumb drive that still works.
I've never broken a phone in my life and its been dropped like a million times. Once I threw it across a room just to see what would happen, I dropped it in the toilet once and it was fine and once at the beach, (one of those beaches with massive boulders lining the water and land) I dropped my phone and it bounced off of four separate rocks, landed in a tiny crevice and survived without a scratch
I always seem to know if something is going to happen or not. Like, "we're going to the park today" I will know if we will actually end up going or if something will get in the way of us doing so. Also, narrowly avoiding death.
Well, at summer camp some kids decided to try to kill me. They missed by a few inches. One time I had a severe allergic reaction on an airplane flying above Afghanistan, with no medicine and I nearly died. There's more
Yo I get what you mean by light speed thing, if I want I can process everything really fast and it looks almost like a game at really high frames or I can slow everything down but I can only do slowing down from memory not real time
Even though I get hurt a lot, none of them impair me. I broke my thumb but was still able to play Frisbee. My wrist shattered and had to be put in a cast, but when I took it off two weeks before I was supposed to I was fine.
· 8 years ago
Damn no wonder they chose you to be America's super soldier
· 8 years ago
Something similar happened with me and my broken leg
I just realized I have a weird talent
My thoughts can somehow impact others ?? Like,I'll think "oh wow I hope something good happens to my friend" and then he'll win the lottery or some shit
I'm exaggerating but it still proves my point
It's a good magic but it seems to backfire at times
Like I'll hope that someone I haven't heard from is doing alright,and then it'll turn out they're either mentally or physically ill
I'm still exaggerating but only slightly
My thoughts can somehow impact others ?? Like,I'll think "oh wow I hope something good happens to my friend" and then he'll win the lottery or some shit
I'm exaggerating but it still proves my point
Like I'll hope that someone I haven't heard from is doing alright,and then it'll turn out they're either mentally or physically ill
I'm still exaggerating but only slightly