Well think of it like this
If the woman was the housewife and she spent all her time doing housework and taking care of the children, that is her choice
How does her consciously choosing to take care of the home make her any less independent from a woman who is a CEO ? They both made the choice to do what they want even though they are vastly different
Yeah the housewife may not be earning money, but she is very much doing hard work and actively choosing to do so
To me independence = being able to choose on your own
Not just being able to drop anything and leave at once
If that was the case the man of the relationship wouldn't be more independent as he wouldn't be able to leave as he also has things to do and people who depend on him
Sorry if this makes no sense I'm tired
People like you. We need more. Thank you for benefiting everyone. It's like wanting to be a scientist and discovering something new. It's fantastic. If I was a guy I'd be lucky to have someone like this
Hey, there are very few homes that *wouldn't* benefit from a homemaker. Just make sure you find a guy who understands that that *doesn't* make you a servant or someone he should take for granted, and that taking care of the home is a valid contribution to the family's well-being.
It takes a lot to manage a house and cook for everyone. It doesn't mean you're any weaker for doing it. It just means that you're capable of managing a family. To raise children properly to someday seek lives for themselves, to juggle so many schedules within a family, to manage resources- that's still a respectable thing. If anyone else says otherwise, be the independent woman you are and brush them off with a smile.
Independent really means that you can take care of your shit. If you choose to put that toward being a homemaker, do it up. Do it well and have a plan in case your spouse loses their job or divorce or whatever.
Independent doesn't mean alone or completely self sufficient, it just means you have your shit together and can step up is something happens and you're partner/spouse can't support. Plus, it tales a lot to run a house efficiently, and to take care of kids. Lots of independent women would be fine as homemakers. Lots of guys would do it well too.
I would be ashamed if I wasn't the breadwinner and my wife had to work. Not saying that she can't work if she wants to, but I want to make enough money that she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to.
I am an independent(ish) man and okay with it. All I want is literally any woman to pay attention to me. I think we may be perfect for each other. I am shy and insecure but I know everything about Dr Who and Pokemon if that helps. I work at a restaurant as a cook and I own a car. My favorite superhero is Aquaman and my favorite color is blue. Hit me up if you're interested ;D
Also I like dog pictures
And I'm 23, should've mentioned that. I feel like the impact of my original comment has lost a bit bc of this but it is pertinent info.
· 8 years ago
Superman is the best, aqua-man is second
· 8 years ago
Start out both working to avoid giant debt. When financially "secure" one becomes house spouse. When kids come, upgrade to stay at home parent. That's my dream at least. Still stuck on phase one. For like...the foreseeable future. But that way you get to be that independent woman. You know you can make care of yourself and what is yours, but you can also work alongside a partner to make the most of what is dear to you.
I'm a homemaker and while I worked odd jobs in the beginning, we always made a point to live on one income. So many people I know have gotten stuck because they have come to rely on two incomes, especially when a baby comes my friends are heartbroken they have to go back to work. We live a little tighter but it's so worth it.
· 8 years ago
That's what we were doing at first, but with college debt I ended up getting a job to help out here and there and have wiggle room. When he graduates it'll go back to the way it had been, which is honestly easier on both of us (least in my opinion and situation). Im glad to hear it works out for people. I'd rather have a marriage that's more fulfilling that a lifestyle thay requires so much money we both need jobs. Again. My opinion, for my situation. To each their own
You know, started reading and became inspired maybe we could some day. But we just bought a house and both have student loans to pay :(
· 8 years ago
If you work hard enough to get where you want to go, then no matter what happens you'll be closer to that dream than you would have if you never worked for it at all. I'm sure you can get it some day. And look! You guys have a house now to make wonderful memories in. Regardless of what happens, those priceless treasures are worth more than a ton of other things
both ends should have some sort of knowledge for sure. Some trade or skill. For "If you educate a [mother] you educate a generation."
But man you are crazy if you just go to school to find a spouse.
I'm an independent single father, and I'm proud of it.
All I do is perform as househusband, and cook for myself and my children. And I make it all work on one income. :D
· 8 years ago
Awesome! Go you for being there for your kids. They'll thank you for that someday in some shape or form I'm sure
If the woman was the housewife and she spent all her time doing housework and taking care of the children, that is her choice
How does her consciously choosing to take care of the home make her any less independent from a woman who is a CEO ? They both made the choice to do what they want even though they are vastly different
Yeah the housewife may not be earning money, but she is very much doing hard work and actively choosing to do so
To me independence = being able to choose on your own
Not just being able to drop anything and leave at once
If that was the case the man of the relationship wouldn't be more independent as he wouldn't be able to leave as he also has things to do and people who depend on him
Sorry if this makes no sense I'm tired
Also I like dog pictures
But man you are crazy if you just go to school to find a spouse.
All I do is perform as househusband, and cook for myself and my children. And I make it all work on one income. :D