I have a scar next to my left eye from where I smashed my head into a glass tabletop. If I hit my head an inch to the left or right I would've either gouged my eye out or smashed my temple through the glass.
· 8 years ago
I have a scar just above my ass from when i accidentally sat on a drinking glass
I have a scar under my chin in the shape of a horse shoe from when I was 12 and was on my friend's trampoline. I was on it alone than my friend who weighed twice as much as me insisted she get on with me. She ended up bounching me in the air on the first bounch. I landed on the side where the springs are and it had no cover. My chin hit the pointy end of the spring, I fell over the edge and was knocked out for I was told a few seconds but turned out to be an hour. Her Dad didn't want to tell my parents the truth. Than he told me to WALK HOME! 6 blocks I walked I was told I wasn't bleeding but they lied I needed 3 stiches under my chin. My shirt was ruined beyond cleaning from the blood. Doctor said good thing I didn't have a concussion or I might of never made it home.
I have other scares but that is the only one that is near my face and the only one that was close to killing me.
Yes, yes they were. The Dad was drunk that is why he wasn't watching us and the Mom who was really suppose to watch us left us with her drunk hisband because she say on tv somthing about a sale or somthing. I just remember we was inside before the trampoline accedent, we was watching tv and some local commercial came on and she said O I GOT TO GO GET THAT. Than told her husband watch us and we asked if we can go on the trampoline she said ok than told the Dad to go outside to watch us. Once she was gone he went back insode to get more beer and never came back out.
After this I was never allowed over there again but my friend did come over to my house cause my mom felt bad for the kid.
How would him watching you prevented that from happening?. Does he have the ability to control your movements simply with his vision?, Wow.! blamed someone who has zero control.
· 8 years ago
He could have ran over to her as she was falling. Would you say the same if a kid nearly drowned in a pool because no parent was watching him?
Lets see he could of seen his kid trying to get on even though I kept saying don't and he could of said ok guys the rule is one at a time. Or could of said let her off before you get on. Or could of said she doesn't want to go two at a time just take turns. You know like a good parent would of said.
What if I wasn't breathing I have a lung problemwhere if I am not careful I am unable to breath, what if I was dieing there on the ground and had to wait for a drunk slob to get his ass outside?
True story....Actually Einstein I did almost drown as a kid .. was riding my big wheel around a pool at a party after being told numerous of times not to be riding my big wheel around the pool well lo and behold I fell in keep in mind there's a party going on at this house no one's really paying me attention the pool was about 9 feet deep i had time to hit the bottom and somebody had grabbed me . They said had they not seen my big wheel floating they would have never seen me.
Both of my parents were there they were only three feet away from me. And neither one of my parents are alcoholics or drug addict.. Point of the story is shit happens, that there are consequences for our actions we have nobody to blame but our self that somewhere down the line we made a bad decision and until that bad decision unravels do we truly know that it was a bad decision.
My bad decision was I shouldn't have been riding the big wheel around the pool
· 8 years ago
While they don't have control, they sure are a big ass help. If I broke my jaw after falling off a trampoline I'd rather have help already be there than have to lie there and wait for it to come.
I am sorry that happen to you and I am very happy you are alive to tell it, but if you were my kid after the first time I told you to stay clear I would of kept a close eye on you, second time you got to close I would of moved you away from the pool and if that wasn't possible I would of took the big wheel away and told you to play something else.
Because with little kids it takes less than a minute around a pool for them to fall in.
Truth is parents back when we were kids thought the world was free of danger but truth is kids are idiots and if a parent isn't near than trouble happens. Now in my case he could of help me sooner or previnted it. But he cares more about a bottle than anyone else.
Where did the broke Jaw come from..? I'm not going to disagree with you that she is one of the kids that happens to have shitty parents who weren't there..
But if the events unfolded like they did in the story then she should have gotten off of the trampoline when the big girl insisted she got on there with her, there was a reason why she wanted to jump alone ,...but what happened?... she made a bad decision and allowed the other girl to jump on the trampoline with her. .. do you follow so far ?
The only way on or off the trampoline was a step thing because the trampoline was to tall. And I was super short. I am still short I am 5'2 but say 5'4 cause I wear shoes with heels lol even my flip flops have heels. And I was actually trying to get off it is why I was flung over the side. And the trampoline was as big as a queen bed. Ot was kind of hard to get around her.
About the only thing that I agree with is that he should have gotten you to the Hospital immediately.
When you say----I was on it alone than my friend who weighed twice as much as me insisted she get on with me. It would lead one to believe that you're unsure and don't feel comfortable with the decision that is being made. However this is a decision that you have control over? Yes/No?
The only way on or off the trampoline was a step thing ....LMAO! I know exactly what you are talking about, I seen many of people get trashed on the "step thing" .I had a trampoline growing up
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
There's a step thing on trampolines? We always just used a box.
As for the step thing I dont remember exactly what it look like seeimg as I was just a kid and I am now in my 30s but I do remember it was only big enough for one person to go up or down at a time.
And Honestly I think this is fucking ridiculous that we are arguing over this.
The guy should of done what he was told and stayed outside to watch us. It doesn't matter if the fall was an accident or if it could of been prevented. It comes down to I as a kid was injured when under the care of an adult who refussed to do what a good parent would of and that was either watch the kids or stay where he could keep an eye on us.
When my kid has friends over I make sure if they have a chance of harm as in playing outside or playing with toys that could get them hurt if not played with properly, I am either with them or they know where I am and I am able to hear and see them from where I am.
Na I was lying on the ground on my stomach watching tv and I thought it would be fun chewing on those big nitting needles and my sister told me to move over which I didn't so she tryd to roll me over but I hit the needle on the floor and it went through the roof of my mouth and the doctor said if it went a centimetre deeper I would've been deaded
that reminds me of when i was 3 or 4. never run with scissors, kids. my brother was trying to take the scissors from me so i ran with them, my other brother tripped me. the scissors stabbed the back of my throat. the doctor said it was less than the thickness of a fingernail from killing me. i remember waking up in the hospital, where that the only think i was aloud to eat was icecream and soggy cereal. that is also the story where i started to like my cereal soggy.
I have other scares but that is the only one that is near my face and the only one that was close to killing me.
After this I was never allowed over there again but my friend did come over to my house cause my mom felt bad for the kid.
What if I wasn't breathing I have a lung problemwhere if I am not careful I am unable to breath, what if I was dieing there on the ground and had to wait for a drunk slob to get his ass outside?
Both of my parents were there they were only three feet away from me. And neither one of my parents are alcoholics or drug addict.. Point of the story is shit happens, that there are consequences for our actions we have nobody to blame but our self that somewhere down the line we made a bad decision and until that bad decision unravels do we truly know that it was a bad decision.
Because with little kids it takes less than a minute around a pool for them to fall in.
Truth is parents back when we were kids thought the world was free of danger but truth is kids are idiots and if a parent isn't near than trouble happens. Now in my case he could of help me sooner or previnted it. But he cares more about a bottle than anyone else.
But if the events unfolded like they did in the story then she should have gotten off of the trampoline when the big girl insisted she got on there with her, there was a reason why she wanted to jump alone ,...but what happened?... she made a bad decision and allowed the other girl to jump on the trampoline with her. .. do you follow so far ?
When you say----I was on it alone than my friend who weighed twice as much as me insisted she get on with me. It would lead one to believe that you're unsure and don't feel comfortable with the decision that is being made. However this is a decision that you have control over? Yes/No?
And Honestly I think this is fucking ridiculous that we are arguing over this.
The guy should of done what he was told and stayed outside to watch us. It doesn't matter if the fall was an accident or if it could of been prevented. It comes down to I as a kid was injured when under the care of an adult who refussed to do what a good parent would of and that was either watch the kids or stay where he could keep an eye on us.
When my kid has friends over I make sure if they have a chance of harm as in playing outside or playing with toys that could get them hurt if not played with properly, I am either with them or they know where I am and I am able to hear and see them from where I am.
I feel off the bed while playing