Not really. If your father is Muslim you're Muslim. You could change when you're older. But you'll have circumsized dick which could decide on your life in war here. We had cases of people with Serbian fathers but Muslim mother wanted neutral name, neither Christian, like Luka nor Muslim, like Tarik, but Goran who circumsized for medical reasons and got killed by Christians cause they knew only his mother ,saw her when she brought him to their school so they thought "she got to him" and secretly raised him as Muslim. I'm half Jewish but never got circumsized because of that. I could be Jewish (I don't care about that) even if only my grandma was Jewish, and nobody else, I know a guy who got to Israel like that and now is fully functioning Israeli ...but you won't be considered Muslim if your grandma is Muslim. You'll be considered convert.
99% of the pop think pedos are mentally ill. Has to be close to 50% think trans are mentally ill. Has to be 2% that think gays are mentally ill. Now rewind 75 years from now, probably 99% thought trans were mentally ill and 75% thought gays were mentally ill. Now fast forward 75 years from now, your grandchildren might be legally allowed to date 50yo while in middle school. In some countries 12yo girls are married to 30yo men.
I think they will in the same way that the KKK is accepted. There will be enough people out there to glomp together and make their own (meaningless) niche group.
Someone I watched on DeviantART, who is 13, got into a relationship with a 20 year old. HELL NO. So many people got so uncomfortable, and started telling both of them it was wrong, they broke up so they wouldn't lose watchers.
Their arguments consisted of, "I've known her since she was 17!" She's 20 now.
"I was the one who asked the 20 year old to date me!" And as the responsible adult, she should have said no.
"We won't have sex!" It's still disgusting and wrong.
I suppose if you took it literally then it's correct. After all we say "I love you" not " I age you" that means a whole different thing. Though I would find it funny if people went around saying " I race you, I religion you, I gender you, and I age you.
Perhaps the larger point to be made is that just because it's love doesn't mean it's a good idea. e.g. if you're a 36-year-old and you love a 10-year-old. Or if you fall for someone with irreconcilably different religious or cultural beliefs, for example.
Or, according to some, if you're the same gender.
Love is love, but make sure you don't let your brain turn to mush too.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Everyone's talking about the age difference, but does nobody see how unhealthily orange the first guy is?
Really there isn't a maximum age gap as long as both parties are capable of understanding the situation, the consequences, and providing consent then there is no issue. That does exclude children and adolescents. Their bodies are undergoing the process of maturation and as long that is happening they can't fulfill the above requirements. And before someone brings up how young people used to be when they got married, just remember it wasn't their decision to make it was entirely the parents or guardians decision. Calm, rational, heads ,not ones flooded with hormones and a desperate lack of experience, are needed.
@sincere_milkshake Same here! I'm fortunate that my friends and family like my partner even though there is an age gap. We were so nervous to tell them but both sides were so accepting.
@juliesmash bro we're talking about us as adults. We're not talking about the post but our own experiences. 10 year olds just shouldn't be in relationships they can't even ride half the rides in Disney world at their age.
Yeah but all of u: a child doesn't know exactly what's right for them especially during and right before puberty. Granted u can think for yourself after 13 but there's a reason they're still not adults and it's because we make stupid desicions sometimes (some people not all)
That's gross and very illegal
Unless it's the regular kind of father-daughter relationship.
Their arguments consisted of, "I've known her since she was 17!" She's 20 now.
"I was the one who asked the 20 year old to date me!" And as the responsible adult, she should have said no.
"We won't have sex!" It's still disgusting and wrong.
Or, according to some, if you're the same gender.
Love is love, but make sure you don't let your brain turn to mush too.
Edit- most of the time
Maybe find a static percentage, like 80% of your age.?