I have lived in both ca. And tx. And yes the homes are cheaper in texas. But minimum wage is alot lower than ca. In texas living on minimum wage as a single income for a family of 3 is impossible without goverment help. But in ca. A family of 3 or 4 can live on minimum wage and be a single income family without goverment help.
Where in California can a family of 3 or 4 live on minimum wage without assistance? Unless you are splitting an apartment with other families. I'm a native and unless you are going to live in a rural area, this statement is far from true.
I do not live in a rural area. I live in a small town. That is just 15 minutes from a small city. We are paying 500 a month for rent + utilities in an appartment. We are paying 165 a month on a car. We go through 280 in food a month. We even pay 150 a month for 3 phones. And yet the only one working is my husband while I am a stay at home mom. I do once in a blue moon get sub jobs but that happens maybe once or twice a month where I only payed 20 dollars.
We live on a tight budget but we are able to go out to eat once a week. Our daughter gets an allowance of 40 dollars a month and we are able to have pets.
I admit if we lived in a large city we would not be able to do so but not all of ca. is large cities.
That's why I asked where, location is important. Of course you can find rents like that but maybe in Bakersfield where no one wants to live. This post is very black and white which I don't like because California has a ton of different rents and so does Texas. It all depends on location. My house in California was $300,000 when we bought it and has 5 bedrooms 2 baths but it's in the middle of nowhere
I live in California, I'm buying my home. I live in a nice quiet neighborhood and my mortgage payments are less than $900 A month for a 3 bedroom , 1 bath. Location matters in Cali too.
Depends on where you buy so I'd like to know where you are living as well? I'm in the SF Bay Area and my mortgage along with my taxes, insurance and HOA fees come to about $1800.00 a month for a 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath condo with 3 tennis courts and 3 pools. I did buy when the market was at one of it's lowest points because now, that same condo is going for $300,000+. I don't think I could afford my own condo now and I make 4 times the minimum wage.
Hi Jensensbooty: I live in the SF East Bay simply because I could afford it. I like where I live; it's pretty, it's quiet and people are generally nice but a car is a must unless you want to wait for a bus to take you to BART and then transportation from BART to where you are going. With city living, you don't need one. I hope you are able to move closer to your dream place.
I've lived here for two decades. Worst things for me is the heat.
Plus it's depends on what part you live in, especially since it's the biggest state ( Alaska doesn't count because barely anyone lives there )
We live on a tight budget but we are able to go out to eat once a week. Our daughter gets an allowance of 40 dollars a month and we are able to have pets.
I admit if we lived in a large city we would not be able to do so but not all of ca. is large cities.
Plus it's depends on what part you live in, especially since it's the biggest state ( Alaska doesn't count because barely anyone lives there )