“The first part of the theory is, I’m joking, you idiots. That’s the first part of the theory. The second part is, I said jokingly that when I’m in my bus and I drive from Florida to California, which I do every summer, it seems to be flat. When I’m in my plane, and we’re getting ready to land, and I open up the window, and I’m looking at all the land that we’re flying over, it seems to be flat. But this world we live in people take things too seriously,”
They think NASA is guarding the ice wall that surrounds our planet so people don't climb it and then fall off the edge. Lunar eclipses are caused by an "anti-moon" and the earth is accelerating forwards/upwards at 9.8 meteres per second by means of dark matter which can apparently explain gravity.
(On her stupid comment)
So yeah
Autism was a bad comparison there, my friend