I actually love gmos. Also commenting to follow the thread and answer questions for anyone who wants to know about gmos (literally the one thing I know about)
I'm all for Gmos, I think it's mostly methods like CRISPR that genetically modify human genomes that concerns me as we don't know the true risks to this if we take it too far.
· 7 years ago
All for GMO. It speeds up what we are already doing, i.e. breeding out undesirable traits.
I don't have a problem with GMOs either. I have a problem with Monsanto using it's patents for shady AF land acquisition and bankrupting people through no fault of their own.
GMOs are awesome. We *do* need to make sure we use them responsibly, though, as single-strain crop monopolies have so far given us the Irish potato famine and the near-loss of the world's banana crops. Plus, we never know what ignored genes from the less popular strains we'll turn out to need later.