Hi. I can confirm that I am Australian. We do not ride around in kangaroos. Hahaha. The Great Emu War was a tragedy. We say prawns, not shrimp.
Sincerely, an Australian.
Satire? Maybe, but the idiocy or humans has proven to be boundless of late and I find this very easy to believe.
The problem I have is being able to coment on this matter without becoming immediately and extremely insulting, profane and rude. That's not really me anymore so... what ever.
I'm Aussie and I've gotta say... this is 100% true. We thoughf we could get away with it, but I guess it was only a matter of time before people found out. FAIR DINKUM MATE!
Sincerely, an Australian.
The problem I have is being able to coment on this matter without becoming immediately and extremely insulting, profane and rude. That's not really me anymore so... what ever.
Idiot guest.