I believe that we should be accepting of those who are different. We should judge people by their character, not their preferences, race, religion, etc.
That said, I have read (will check sources later) that even in some of the European countries that rank as most accepting of LGBT persons, the suicide rates for said persons remains just as high.
If that's accurate, then there might be some sort of connection between deviant sexual behaviors/desires and chemical depression or suicidal thoughts.
There's a lot of stuff we don't know because the LGBT population is in too "hot issue" of a position to get unbiased research done right now.
Hey I dont disagree on bullying assisting with those numbers, but seriously like you cannot blame all 40 percent on bullying. The leading percentage of suicide is all because of bullying and that is it? Come on be realistic here if it was bullying then the entire population should be 40 percent. I have to agree with the guest that such a high suicide rate calls for it being a mental illness and not a healthy state of thinking or living. People can do what they want but lets not sugar coat it by calling it a natural thing when obviously its not.
I have a theory on why the suicide rate is higher for transgendered people. I think it’s because they place all of their identity on their sexuality and not who they are as a person. I understand hat sexuality is a part of who you are but out of all the things about who you are, sexuality is pretty low on the list of importance. For the record though, I have not seen any sort of study on this nor am I a doctor or psychologist, I’m just a kid with a theory
If 40% commit suicide due to bullying then you've either got a mental illness or some serious problems as a person in general. Bullying has always been around and always will be despite efforts to minimize it. You didn't see this level of suicide for black people pre-civil rights movement when they were harassed and segregated and treated like crap. You didn't see this level of suicide for Japanese Americans after pearl harbor and they were placed in internment camps. You don't even see this level of suicide today in Muslims despite being untrusted by many Americans after 9/11, maybe not consciously but subconsciously as well. So if you commit suicide because people don't accept that you think you're a certain gender you're either mentally ill or a weak ass human being.
@meatball2012 i generally don’t like to debate politics on meme websites but you can’t say “if suicide is caused by bullying then it’s mental illness.” That is completely flawed logic. Gay suicide rates are also caused by bullying, would you say being gay is a mental illness?
I said mental illness oR being a weak ass human. Don't pick and choose my words.
· 7 years ago
Whether or not I agree, I think the point meatball is trying to make is that if you bully 100 people, less than 40 will become suicidal. If you bully 100 black people, less than 40 will become suicidal. Same with physically disabled people or people of minority religions (JWs, Muslims).
But for some reason, when you bully this group, rates of depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors skyrocket. That's a red flag.
We don't have research on this, because ethically you can't segregate a bunch of people, bully them, and count how many suicides you get. Even in the name of science and knowledge, it wouldn't be worth it.
I think meatball is just trying rudely to point out an unpopular statistical anomaly.
Nobody mentioned anything about being gay, that's not the topic. Transgenders have the highest suicide rate by a long shot and gays are much lower in comparison.
You’re right about the abnormally high suicide rate but I still don’t think that equates to mental illness.
Most people are bullied for being nerds or dressing like a dork.
When you bully a trans person, you are bullying someone who already has been told that they are “faking it” or is still going through a difficult time coming to terms with who they are because the world doesnt accept them. Completely different context
· 7 years ago
Blacks in the South and post-9/11 Muslims don't have as high a suicide rate though, despite death threats and an entire culture saying they shouldn't exist.
Most minorities are not severely bullied for being nerds; they're bullied for their race, sexuality, disability, immigration status, etc.
· 7 years ago
I really hate to do this, because I hate all the connotations that come with paying this card, but carne, you're a blonde white girl. If you sincerely believe most people are bullied for being nerds, then you've been blinded by privilege.
I honestly never thought I'd be telling someone that.
Btw i just gotta say that to assume i’ve been priveleged because i’m a “blond white girl” is really ignorant. My parents are divorced, i have little to no money, i’ve had two eating disorders, i was bullied up until I had to change schools in middle school, i’ve been sexually assaulted, and most recently, i’ve been cheated on. So how’s that for privelege
yo in all seriousness that privilege thing because she is white is absolute garbage bro. I would love to have privilege like not knocking out my sister when she went on a drug craze or not having my mexican friends tell me they think im subconsciously racist because im white. get that weak shiz outta here bro there is no privelage we all go through things that suck dick and it all seems big and large to us.
Had transgender awareness training at work delivered by a transgender woman.. When we got back to the office two of my colleagues kept referring to her as 'him' even after i corrected them.. It made me so mad
Yes I have. And to be completely honest they're probably the most confused group he changed what gender he was so many times a year that I stopped caring. Mind you this just one of seven mainly because I don't go looking for them to ask them 'oh why'd you chop your pee pee off? But this guy for around five months was a girl then three months a guy again, and then finally a girl for four months roughly. So I asked him why not just stick with one. And he said it was because he didn't feel like he could accept himself as a male or female so the trans community to me is just my fellow millennials being too damned confused way to go guys this why the other generations hate us
I very much agree with the bottom statement...
I think that in the current age of tumblr stuff, a good number of people are just claiming this for attention. Back in my day, you were supposed to fit in (cue grumpy old guy meme), but it seems these days that it's trendy to be different....
With that said, I'm sure there there are also a reasonable number of actual transgender people, and it sucks that the attention seekers only end up delegitimizing the real transgender issues.
Note that I have no data/idea about the spread between attention seekers and real transgenders, just that I'm sure there are "some" on both sides.
My best friend is transgender. I don't get it fully but he is what he is, really makes no difference for me or anyone else. And he has felt like this for his entire life, only recently coming out. I think it's best to not "hate" something you do not know, after some research you are ofcourse allowed to form whatever opinion, what that is is not really my business. Try to remember that no group that share a trait is a hive mind, like transgender or whatever.
(1) Hey guys, trans man here. I'll shed some light if you're interested.
Being trans isn’t a mental illness by itself, but it definitely brings out a lot of bad stuff that’s already in you, like anxiety and depression.
Dysphoria (the Bad Feeling that comes with being trans) is different for everyone. For me it felt like I was constantly late for something that I could never get to. I just lived with a permanent feeling that I was running out of time to live my life. It kept me awake most nights and made me distracted at school and work. That’s not really different from normal anxiety. It was just caused by how I felt about my female body.
Those feelings mostly went away when I got on testosterone, which I hope you’ll take as at least partial proof that there is a medical component to this. Now no one can tell that I’m not a normal guy and I don’t talk about it.
I honestly think there are a lot of (young) people changing themselves and making claims just to get attention.
(2) It pisses me off that I get put in the same category as them.
I don’t like the word ‘transgender’, because I think gender is a stupid concept. You have a dick or you don’t. You have an instinctive need to change that or you don’t. People don’t get sex changes for fun (or at least they shouldn’t). It doesn’t have to be anything more than a medical issue, so I don’t know why people have made it into such a big deal.
I changed and then I moved on with my life. The transition was just an expensive inconvenience with a lot of emotional stress.
Hope some of you found this informative. Peace, yo
If you can get your ideas across in a way that doesn’t purposely attack or disregard another person then people will try to see from your point of view. But like @iccarus said, just saying wrong doesn’t do anything
Honestly, they're mentally unstable. They're more prone to anxiety, depression and suicide. You can say transgenders get bullied, so they kill themselves.Yeah, well, I was bullied for years and years, and yeah, I got sad. But I'm not so unstable that I wanted to die over being bullied. Well, even the military and our government believed they shouldn't be in the military, because they're too expensive and they're too weak because of their illness. So there ya go. Also, how can a person change their sex and believe they are what they changed to, but still look the opposite. A vagina and a deep, husky voice. That's just not natural. It is a fad.
Some years ago it was believed that being gay is a fad. Just sayin. Also, your natural argument is bs. We live in concrete houses, typing away at our keyboards that are connected to a piece of metal that we tricked into thinking, being ruled by a political system that not all of us even agree with. Nothing about us is natural and bringing up "natural/unnatural" in any argument concerning human behaviour is just bs.
@msopinionated I would have listened to your statement and tried to understand had you not started off by saying I was wrong, not that I agree but I would have listened
why should everyone have to go our of their way and figure out what pronouns everyone on that planet wants to use. How about if someone says a regular pronoun instead of being offended you just accept it and move on knowing that they couldnt possibly have known and probably doesnt want to know.
You don't have to go out of your way to figure it out. If they tell you a pronoun, use it. Or if they don't, it costs literally 0$ to use they/them for someone whose pronouns you don't know or feel confident using.
im just saying how is that supposed to work they gonna hand everybody cards with their pronouns out there like if i got 50 people telling me different pronouns they want used i got to memorize all 50 otherwise im a bigot and a homophobe.
No it will happen the same way you learn their name. "Hello, my name is [blank], I go by [blank] pronouns" if they think you should know them. It's really not as complicated as you think. Also, believe it or not, some people won't think you're a homophobe if you get their pronouns wrong. They'll usually remind you, but they understand it's confusing.
ok I mean I dont agree with the life style but if someone just politely ask me to call them something then im cool. Im not gonna memorize a hundred things but im ok with that.
That said, I have read (will check sources later) that even in some of the European countries that rank as most accepting of LGBT persons, the suicide rates for said persons remains just as high.
If that's accurate, then there might be some sort of connection between deviant sexual behaviors/desires and chemical depression or suicidal thoughts.
There's a lot of stuff we don't know because the LGBT population is in too "hot issue" of a position to get unbiased research done right now.
But for some reason, when you bully this group, rates of depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors skyrocket. That's a red flag.
We don't have research on this, because ethically you can't segregate a bunch of people, bully them, and count how many suicides you get. Even in the name of science and knowledge, it wouldn't be worth it.
I think meatball is just trying rudely to point out an unpopular statistical anomaly.
Most people are bullied for being nerds or dressing like a dork.
When you bully a trans person, you are bullying someone who already has been told that they are “faking it” or is still going through a difficult time coming to terms with who they are because the world doesnt accept them. Completely different context
Most minorities are not severely bullied for being nerds; they're bullied for their race, sexuality, disability, immigration status, etc.
I honestly never thought I'd be telling someone that.
Anyways, I’m going to choose to trust a scientific study rather than youbut no offense
EDIT: reply to @carne_asada , not a reply to @meatball2012
I think that in the current age of tumblr stuff, a good number of people are just claiming this for attention. Back in my day, you were supposed to fit in (cue grumpy old guy meme), but it seems these days that it's trendy to be different....
With that said, I'm sure there there are also a reasonable number of actual transgender people, and it sucks that the attention seekers only end up delegitimizing the real transgender issues.
Note that I have no data/idea about the spread between attention seekers and real transgenders, just that I'm sure there are "some" on both sides.
Being trans isn’t a mental illness by itself, but it definitely brings out a lot of bad stuff that’s already in you, like anxiety and depression.
Dysphoria (the Bad Feeling that comes with being trans) is different for everyone. For me it felt like I was constantly late for something that I could never get to. I just lived with a permanent feeling that I was running out of time to live my life. It kept me awake most nights and made me distracted at school and work. That’s not really different from normal anxiety. It was just caused by how I felt about my female body.
Those feelings mostly went away when I got on testosterone, which I hope you’ll take as at least partial proof that there is a medical component to this. Now no one can tell that I’m not a normal guy and I don’t talk about it.
I honestly think there are a lot of (young) people changing themselves and making claims just to get attention.
I don’t like the word ‘transgender’, because I think gender is a stupid concept. You have a dick or you don’t. You have an instinctive need to change that or you don’t. People don’t get sex changes for fun (or at least they shouldn’t). It doesn’t have to be anything more than a medical issue, so I don’t know why people have made it into such a big deal.
I changed and then I moved on with my life. The transition was just an expensive inconvenience with a lot of emotional stress.
Hope some of you found this informative. Peace, yo
I don't think you know how debates work.
And if everyone you're talking to is "shoving it down your throat" then maybe you're just talking to the wrong people.
So just don't be a dick and you're good.