Yeah, everyone was meant to make it. Let’s spend trillions avoiding natural disasters cause life is sacred: but support abortion at the same time cause fuck inconvenient life. But not third world life, just life that doesn’t let me go to the bar and screw around for the remainder of my twenties. But let’s save the family of twelve living in a bit, I’m sure there’s a cure for cancer there. Oh fuck they are cancer.
· 7 years ago
This comment is an incoherent mess, can someone call an ambulance I think they've had a stroke
Sure, overpopulation is a problem, and moving to a different planet probably won't change that.
The rest of the sentence, I have no idea. What is your point?
He actually managed to weave in overpopulation, abortions, natural desasters, the third world, poverty and cancer all into one single text. No one gets it, but hats off.
They're all serious issues, but unless it makes sense, jamming a whole bunch of topics together is no achievement.
Making it coherent is an achievement.
Perfectly executed, Mr. Musk.
The rest of the sentence, I have no idea. What is your point?
Making it coherent is an achievement.