Black guy here, I don't need white people to be racist for me and and I don't want BLM idiots to think it's okay to attack this girl looking for her dog.
EDIT: Just realized what was wrong with my comment.
What is and isn't offensive is subjective to culture and to an individual as well as context. The root etymology of many English slurs for “black” people come from the same roots as the Spanish word negro. They will thus sound very much the same, and have much the same meaning: “black.” In many such cultures “negro” (pronounced closer to Ney-grow than the English knee-grow) is used to refer to anyone with dark skin and not primarily people of African or similar descent. Negro and negrito are often used as friendly terms and without any hint of racism in such countries. In fact, in certain places the latinization of “creole” is used as a racial slur against people of African decent, yet in America “creole” is considered an inoffensive identifier, and can include Europeans and native Americans. So in context, calling a dog (especially a black dog) negro (ney-grow), is theoretically no more racist than saying “my car is black.” Of course- intent is important as well as pronunciation.
The “Japanese temples” you speak of are covered in Manji, not hakenkreuz (German Swastikas.) The Nazis used both right and left facing swastika until the early 20’s when the direction was made standardized. Manji come in both right and left facing variety as well. While stenciled or marked hakenkreuz could have any orientation in theory- the symbol as codified by the Nazis was at a 45 degree angle to a Manji. Hitlers personal insignia is one of the few examples of an “official” hakenkreuz display that shared orientation with a Manji. The word “swastika” derives from Sanskrit and is the general western name for similar symbols from many cultures. The symbol was used by many, but also other earlier German nationals in different forms. The symbolism was largely the same as it carries in other cultures, but the Nazi party perverted the meanings of that symbolism to support their twisted acts. It’s important to be mindful that the symbol is associated most with Nazism due to prominence.
The swastika is actually a Swahili symbol of good luck . The symbol has existed in ancient cultures around the world long before Hitler used it . It also shows up in ancient Indian and Native American culture.
· 6 years ago
This reminds me of the fact that cultures around the world also build pyramids.
Man, PC culture is taking things too far. I'm down to mitigate the use of slurs and whatever, but attacking things so militantly makes people hold onto their ideas more firmly.
oh my god or maybe people could just work on themselves, individually, to improove upon themselves and try to be less bigoted instead of giving the spaniards shit for having their own word for 'black'. why does everyone have to be so butthurt all the time over shit that doens't even matter. it's so easy to petition for shit and make yourself feel like you're a good person. it's much harder to actually act like a good person (and then refrain from posting it online in some form).
EDIT: Just realized what was wrong with my comment.