To be honest that's the exact thing I'd think to happen. Fat or not, if you wear revealing clothes on the streets in some places and you get catcalled. It's sad and I don't support or agree with that behaviour but it's not surprising.
Catcalling is an expression free speech. It doesn't inherently harm anyone and many actually enjoy the comments. As long as a certain threshold of inappropriateness isn't reached then who cares?
Let me answer that: Fragile people who are seeking attention due to their pathetically small ego are the ones who care.
Yes, coming from a man, of course. Sure, catcalling can SOMETIMES be flattering, if they are polite. But women have been threatened with rape, have had men trail them, stalk them, follow them home. It's terrifying and can be extremely violating.
I encountered a group once who had set up a trailer that you could go into, put on headphones, and listen to the kind of things that had been shouted/called at real women on the streets.
A lot of It was disturbing to say the least, and yet felt entirely expected/inevitable (which was perhaps even more disturbing). I wouldn't define any of it as catcalling, but a lot of the men who had called out seemingly must have viewed it as harmless/complimentary/catcalling, since no one generally goes out and thinks "that lady is HOT. Imma shout some sexual harassment at her!"
It's one of those situations that is insanely black and white and yet somehow still muddled up in shades of grey, and it will never get better unless we keep the conversation going
Although I see your point Spidey I have to disagree. Catcalling is a form of verbal harassment in my eyes as it's usually comments that you wouldn't want a stranger saying to you, especially if you are by yourself as it immediately makes you feel unsafe. It's hard to understand unless you've been in that situation (and sure some genuinely don't care, good for them). Catcalling isn't just isolated to men, women do it too although it's not seen as often but in either cases the subject is put in a situation where they now feel unsafe and or violated by a strangers verbal intentions/comments.
Suppose they had shamed her? What would the article be about? "Things are as I expected them to be"??
· 6 years ago
Wayne what would happen.. They can write a negative article about it. If they call her ugly, if they find she is sexy, if they ignore her.. There is always a way to write a negative article about it. What ever you do this day, it get called out as a negative thing. You could look away and not even at her and the article title would be maybe "people looked away because i'm fat" or "people only look at thin people" or or or.. That the people looked away to don't be "sexist" / mens who only think about sex is wayne for the article. They always find a way to write negative about stuff.. Even if the reality looks different.
Cosmo: sexualize yourself in every way, shape, and form, and punish anyone who doesn't properly worship your sexuality
Also Cosmo: I'm a victim of sexualization
Idk if it's because I'm a girl, or because everytime I hear the word "twerk" my brain either thinks of Miley Cyrus or a spastic drunk person, but I agree
Let me answer that: Fragile people who are seeking attention due to their pathetically small ego are the ones who care.
A lot of It was disturbing to say the least, and yet felt entirely expected/inevitable (which was perhaps even more disturbing). I wouldn't define any of it as catcalling, but a lot of the men who had called out seemingly must have viewed it as harmless/complimentary/catcalling, since no one generally goes out and thinks "that lady is HOT. Imma shout some sexual harassment at her!"
It's one of those situations that is insanely black and white and yet somehow still muddled up in shades of grey, and it will never get better unless we keep the conversation going
Also Cosmo: I'm a victim of sexualization