The article speaks about the amount of people showing hatred, JFK wasn't hated by the general population but few people rather had strong "disapprovment" towards him
It'd be one thing if they were taking portions of his words and splicing them together completely out of context. But 80% of the time they're not. It's just him, verbatim
This site is starting to piss me off. You’re all so divisive. You won’t hear any other arguments and you label Trump supporters as idiots without hearing their reasoning. I’m a republican but I’m not a Trump supporter. You complain about the way our country is but don’t put in effort to reason with the people you disagree with. If you ever want the state of this country to get better you need to actually have logical conversations with people on both sides of the political spectrum. Believe it or not, if you actually put in an effort, it IS possible to talk to people with different beliefs than you without just hurling insults and saying they’re dumb. This goes for everybody, not just democrats, but that’s just what I’ve been seeing in these particular comments.
Also, the media’s job is to make money off of controversy. No news site is trustworthy in my opinion. There will always be bias. Even if they only report facts and don’t give their opinions, they can still be bias in which facts they choose to report. Don’t believe everything you see is true or that it is the full story because in most cases it isn’t. Learn to read the news without your own bias and gather information from liberal, conservative, and moderate news outlets if you want to get a well-rounded version of a story. Confirmation bias is a real threat to this country and is the reason why “fake news” was ever a thing in the first place. If people believe something very strongly they will find any reason they can to continue believing in it. If there’s a falsified news story some people might ignore that and still use it to confirm their own beliefs. An example is all the polls for Trump’s approval rating. No poll is without bias. It could be the demographics of the people...
surveyed, the administrator of the poll, and all sorts of other biases in polling (non-response, selective response, etc.). Yet people will still see any number they think sounds accurate or a number that fits their own opinion and take that as fact and use it to support their arguments. The only way to get a true percentage of Trump’s approval would be to ask every single American. Every other number you see is going to be skewed in some way.
I don’t throw it around. It’s the truth. People intentionally divide themselves from people because of differing opinions. That is what it means to be divisive.
Tbh I said nothing against Trump until I noticed every single person voicing a single dissenting opinion about him-- no matter how logical-- being downvoted to hell and back. One of my American cousins voted for him, and we've had civilized conversations about it (admittedly I'm fairly certain he regrets it now, but he REALLY didn't like Hilary).
You don't even have to go to a news site to find evidence of how scummy Trump's world views are. You literally just have to listen to him talk. On YouTube, on one of the sites that supports him. Wherever. I have no real idea what Trump's approval is, or ever was. I don't care what his approval is. I think he's a hypocrite, a liar, a racist, a sexist, a child, and just a horrible example of a human being in every way. These are my views, based on the man's words and actions.
That said, I will leave this comment chain, go to a different one, and get on just great with most of the people here, whether they support Trump or not.
I wasn't necessarily referring to you, meatball. I've just noticed that many people have started using that word on anyone BUT Drumpf, when he is the most visible example of a divisive person these days.
To his followers Trump is all things at all times. If somebody, almost always rightly, criticizes him, it's because they don't understand his staggering genius. I truly don't understand how anybody could think a man who was born rich in Manhattan and basically gifted a real estate Empire is somehow the voice of the common folk.
People don’t realize how many assassination attempts have probably been thwarted by the secret service before they were put into action. It’s just not the kind of thing that gets publicized.
*spoiler alert* They have to work overtime and don't get a bonus. I'm dead serious. Trump used up their budget before like... September? last year and is doing the same this year.
Abraham Lincoln is still technically the moat controversial president in our history. Half the country up and left cuz of the guy. And im pretty sure LBJ was pretty hated towards the end of his presidency.
· 6 years ago
Yeah, I'm pretty sure assassinating a guy rather than framing him out to be a racist sexist rapist is worse. No sarcasm here, I'd rather have tabloids write endless articles about me than just be outright murdered.
they're not framing him, but instead using direct quotes from dear old orangey himself such as "women, you gotta treat 'em like shit", "...Im a nationalist..", "grab 'em by the pussy", and then calling the vast majority of Mexican immigrants seeking refuge rapists and criminals. also-- He wants to ban birthright citizenship (mind you, a constitutional right) because it acts as an anchor for the parents while having been married to 3 immigrants, none of which were citizens when they were married or had his children, making him and his children anchor family and his children birthright citizens of immigrant parents. so you know, a hypocrite. He isn't being framed, he's just being called out for what he is
You don't even have to go to a news site to find evidence of how scummy Trump's world views are. You literally just have to listen to him talk. On YouTube, on one of the sites that supports him. Wherever. I have no real idea what Trump's approval is, or ever was. I don't care what his approval is. I think he's a hypocrite, a liar, a racist, a sexist, a child, and just a horrible example of a human being in every way. These are my views, based on the man's words and actions.
That said, I will leave this comment chain, go to a different one, and get on just great with most of the people here, whether they support Trump or not.