The last one, YES. The second to last one? No. Can you imagine cheating your way through math only to be totally fucked when you actually have a job that uses it and you aren't in a position to use the website?
Cheating is like trapping yourself in a box. If you are taking a test with me (one I didn't pay for, one I'm protesting, one I'm bored with, or one that doesn't really matter to me.. so all of them), I'll let you cheat off me and you'll get a good grade, but you're only screwing yourself. - best place to buy a pen
Cheating is like trapping yourself in a box. If you are taking a test with me (one I didn't pay for, one I'm protesting, one I'm bored with, or one that doesn't really matter to me.. so all of them), I'll let you cheat off me and you'll get a good grade, but you're only screwing yourself.