I’m sorry but when you hear a grown adult talk about how they won’t let their teenager play on their XBox because they are a fifth prestige general or whatever it is pathetic and sad.
The writers of the games are just making money where they are able. But don’t fool yourself. Adult/18+ games are targeted towards kids as well. They just need an adult to buy them. Look, I’m not saying not to play video games ever. I’m just saying that if you have a full time job and consider yourself a serious gamer (4+ hours a day) then you need to reflect on where you are in life.
I have no information as to how reliable this source is, so take this with a grain of salt, but: According to the Interactive Games and Entertainment Association in 2016, the average age for an Australian gamer is 33. Also, for all age groups between 5 and 64, more than half of people play games. I don't know how much of this would be mobile games, and this may vary in other countries.
Source: https://www.igea.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Digital-Australia-2016-DA16-Final.pdf
Also, this may just be due to my ignorance, but I personally haven't come across the phrase 'serious gamer' being used to only refer to 4+ hours a day of gaming. In fact, I haven't even heard of anyone playing that much that regularly (though it may happen). People can still play games regularly, be super enthused about them, and be an active part of the videogame community, without dedicating many hours every day to gaming - so the jump from 'adults don't play 4+ hours on work days' to 'adults don't play games' seems a bit tenuous.
Source: https://www.igea.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Digital-Australia-2016-DA16-Final.pdf