Add “pot smoker” to the list- especially where it’s legal.
Tobacco smoker: “I better not smoke here. Lots of people walk through here and there are kids I don’t want to see me smoking..”
Guy with a blunt: “I love weed. Everyone must love weed. I will smoke in the most prominent places, places people eat, places they go to jog. In my car, I wish I could smell weed all the time and I bet that everyone else does too. This is great weed. My neighbors will love the smell of I smoke it right by their windows. I bet everyone is as happy as me about this. We should just make everything smell like weed all the time. That’s heaven for me so it must be for everyone else too....” nothing against weed or those who use it- just my general observation even when it wasn’t legal is that people arenpddly “proud” like kids who want to show you their painting- or completely oblivious if anyone else around them would not want to smell pungent weed or catch a free contact high.
Tbh the smell gives me an outrageous headache fairly quickly and I've recently learned triggers my asthma. I'm fortunate enough to live in a city where they've made it illegal to smoke in public places.. For the time being. Of course, that just means if you go for a walk you can often find a house that smells like 47 skunks live there, and all of them got startled at the exact same time. And There's still people that do it in public, or if they don't have the blunt on them, they walk out absolutely reeking of it. And then they get in their cars. It's honestly exhausting and everyone is so pro-cannabis these days (we're not allowed to call it marijuana anymore I guess) it often feels like there's no point even mentioning the problems because you instantly get hit with 500 tonnes of backlash
I get instantly sick to the stomach when I smell weed . If I stay around it to long I'll throw up. I honestly wondered if other people had adverse reaction to it or if was just weird.
I personally feel there is a moving target. Courtesy is important. We have to share the planet and public spaces. There’s room enough for everyone- but it can’t be “perfect” for any one person of things are accommodating to all. When it comes to smoking/vaping/smoking weed- I understand that sometimes it’s not practical to “keep it away” from anyone else. I understand that it’s a little much to ask a person to take a shower and change after a few puffs, and that making a person walk half a mile to a “designated area” is maybe unreasonable. But people who do these things can take efforts like walking 2-5 minutes away from people, “airing out” or not using before being in confined quarters with others- and so on. It’s your choice to have a loud car. You don’t want to make it quiet. You like the sound and like other loud cars. That doesn’t mean you need to idle it outside your neighbors house at 4,000rpm. It doesn’t mean they like it or want to hear it at a given moment....
... so a few little efforts in order to make things easier for everyone to get along are appreciated, and should be observed- because if a person enjoys doing something that is disruptive to other people, and they don’t make efforts to minimize that disruption- restrictions and bans get passed that will make it hard or impossible for them and others to do that thing that they like. So it’s not just about being courteous to others, and as xvarnah points out- sometimes it isn’t even dislike but health issues- it’s also about helping themselves to be able to have any freedom to do what they like at all. Pot is barely getting legal for instance and most places it is are already passing pot specific use laws. If people want to push it- eventually even legal pot may only be allowed to be consumed where its bought or in designated zones that would make legal use a huge pain for them. And cigarettes are getting to that point too if they aren’t banned outright.
@guest_ pretty much. I mean, to be clear, I don't have any expectation that people will stop blowing up their houses with skunk bombs. I'm fortunate that none of my direct neighbours do it, so I'm able to avoid it if I need to. I'm not sure what would happen if the smell constantly was permeating the buildings around me, however. But, as the post (and you) say, you're not allowed or expected not to smoke in a lot of public scenarios and places. Marijuana definitely should have the same principle. I can't stop anyone from doing what they want to do, but I don't see how it's fair for people to force me to be apart of it, either.
@anjelica237 you're definitely not the only one. Like I said, I think people are tired/nervous to talk about it these days. Usually if I smell it in strong amounts my head will begin to hurt, and if it's prolonged the headache will get so bad I'll have to lie down. The pain can make me somewhat sick to my stomach. Ive met a few other people who have said they have similar reactions.
· 6 years ago
Pot should be treated like alcohol. No smoking in public. Only in designated areas and private property.
I can agree- but also disagree. Pot has additional issues. Speaking god recreational pot: Edibles might make sense to treat like alchohol. But any sort of vaporized pot carries many of the dangers and unpleasantness of cigarette smoke, while also having the ability to introduce THC into the systems of people who may not want it- or may be harmed by it being there. When used on private property- proximity is a factor too. Obviously in an apartment or condo or other “shared living space” your neighbors would likely be exposed, houses that are close together may also have this issue. I’m not a fan of the government telling people what to do in their personal lives, but if it’s illegal to blast music or do burn outs in your driveway- it logically follows that other behaviors that negatively impact others should be regulated on private property as well. Perhaps that is to say- it is legal on private property, so long as:
1. That property is not within a certain distance of other public...
.. or private space designated for human use
2. That property is not within said distance of any open public or communal private space, AND signs are clearly posted on the private property stating that such substances may be in use, AND no minors are allowed within a certain distance of designated areas AND in the case of employment or <certain programs or businesses that serve a public trust> which have less than X employees, all employees or persons must unanimously agree to such a rule without fear of retaliation under legal protection.
3. Any complaint against a private entity engaged in such activities is grounds for immediate cessation of such activities for the duration of a period in which such complaints would remain valid, OR satisfactory actions to mitigate said complaints are completed- at which time after X repeat complaints in a specified period are grounds for permanent revocation of such privileges on said property unless actions are taken and submitted..
.. for review by a county agency with discretion and expertise to set forth guidelines on what is considered to be appropriate change to mitigate said complaints.
An appropriately sealed environment in which no detectable trace elements can escape, in which positive ventilation is supplied with all expelled particles and gasses being filtered through a system meeting certification requirements, and constructed to an approved specification for such a sealed chamber, or where an unsealed chamber which is air tight save for exhaust routed in such a way to be compliant- may subvert rules on appropriate distance or communal space provided they are constructed in such a way not to interfere with use of the premises for normal activities. Or something like that.
I do that. When I have a cigarette I stand away from everyone or hide behind buildings or dumpsters. It is my greatest shame. After, I wash my hands and face and chew a piece of gum. I know I still stink like an ashtray but maybe it alleviates some of the smell.
I am a polite smoker as well.. especially if someone walks by me with kids I'll turn away and not take a puff until they have passed. The other day I was having a smoke by my car In the grocery store parking lot. An old lady starts to out of her car right next to me so I move towards the front of my car.. she called me out for it and said I see what you're doing there but smoke smell doesnt bother me at all.. thank you though lol
Tobacco smoker: “I better not smoke here. Lots of people walk through here and there are kids I don’t want to see me smoking..”
Guy with a blunt: “I love weed. Everyone must love weed. I will smoke in the most prominent places, places people eat, places they go to jog. In my car, I wish I could smell weed all the time and I bet that everyone else does too. This is great weed. My neighbors will love the smell of I smoke it right by their windows. I bet everyone is as happy as me about this. We should just make everything smell like weed all the time. That’s heaven for me so it must be for everyone else too....” nothing against weed or those who use it- just my general observation even when it wasn’t legal is that people arenpddly “proud” like kids who want to show you their painting- or completely oblivious if anyone else around them would not want to smell pungent weed or catch a free contact high.
1. That property is not within a certain distance of other public...
2. That property is not within said distance of any open public or communal private space, AND signs are clearly posted on the private property stating that such substances may be in use, AND no minors are allowed within a certain distance of designated areas AND in the case of employment or <certain programs or businesses that serve a public trust> which have less than X employees, all employees or persons must unanimously agree to such a rule without fear of retaliation under legal protection.
3. Any complaint against a private entity engaged in such activities is grounds for immediate cessation of such activities for the duration of a period in which such complaints would remain valid, OR satisfactory actions to mitigate said complaints are completed- at which time after X repeat complaints in a specified period are grounds for permanent revocation of such privileges on said property unless actions are taken and submitted..
An appropriately sealed environment in which no detectable trace elements can escape, in which positive ventilation is supplied with all expelled particles and gasses being filtered through a system meeting certification requirements, and constructed to an approved specification for such a sealed chamber, or where an unsealed chamber which is air tight save for exhaust routed in such a way to be compliant- may subvert rules on appropriate distance or communal space provided they are constructed in such a way not to interfere with use of the premises for normal activities. Or something like that.