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· 6 years ago
Different eras. It'd be like holding Russia accountable for the Tzars, or China for the first dynasty, or modern America for the Commanche.
· 6 years ago
I mean, Russia did hold the Tsars accountable. They had a revolution about it and everything.
· 6 years ago
I mean holding the Russian Federation accountable to Nicholas' actions.
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· 6 years ago
Yeah, its not like we helped spread democracy and scientific advances and law and order to civilisations that lagged behind or anything
· 6 years ago
you can't claim to have helped anyone if you had to kill most of their population to do it. As you seem to lump yourself in with them I can feel perfectly fine considering you a worthless cunt by lumping you in with them as well.
· 6 years ago
There were civilizations before colonialism; they had a language, social pyramid, politics, economic system, etc. We still don't know so much about the Mayans, Aztecs and other civilizations because the colonizers were not interested in cultural exchange and just erased them from existence... Oh but not without enslaving them first of course
· 6 years ago
don't forget that it was only late last century that Native Americans were considered legal residents of our own god damn land.
· 6 years ago
And the best part? (I use that term loosely), we also invented concentration camps (originally refugee camps).
· 6 years ago
Queen Elizabeth still has massive amounts of power and wealth from said colonization. It’s not a different era, it’s the same one.
· 6 years ago
ye, Hitler used how the american government treated natives as a guide book on the holocaust he just didn't do nearly as good a job in the numbers arena. He only achieve 1/10th the mortality rate
· 6 years ago
More like unelected beurocrats in Brussels dictating rules to a sovereign nation-state. All you self-loathing idiots need to go live in a non-democratic country for a while, maybe then you'd stopping bitching so much. Or maybe you'd wind up room temperature and unable to complain about western society.
· 6 years ago
This is the exact reason I voted for Brexit.
· 6 years ago
Lol whenever someone goes on a rant about how Brussels is dictating this and that, you know they have no idea how the EU works.
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· 6 years ago
Care to enlighten everyone with what you know that others don't?
· 6 years ago
There's not enough space, I'd need a 100 comments to give you a proper lecture, but for starters look up qualified majority and blocking minority, and also the ordinary legislative procedure. And while you're at it just fucking Google how the EU works. They have a "for dummies" style guide on their own website, that's how much they're trying to educate all the eurosceptic idiots ("Institutions and Bodies" on problem is half of them don't bother reading it and the other half can't read
· 5 years ago
Necrobump a bit but I find it funny that there's just downvotes and no replies to the only comment in this thread providing actual sources. Kinda shows the mentality of the brexiters.
· 6 years ago
I do not claim to be a history buff so correct me if I'm mistaken; it has always been my understanding that Englishmen from the sixteenth to eighteenth century did not leave their isle to migrate and adopt the culture of their new neighbors. They seemed to set out to conquer and colonize to expand their empire. (Because that's what all the cool kids did at that time) So by that standard this meme would be ironic only if whichever migrating culture where to start with trading with Englishmen, open up diverse ports of trade on the island and conquer with shot and lead with bayonets fixed.