Guys we need standards too. Rise up
6 years ago by beeldeni · 261 Likes · 10 comments · Trending
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· 6 years ago
Not sure how it's her fault that she gets paid better than minimum wage
· 6 years ago
What if she's still going to school and can't afford not to live with her parents?
· 6 years ago
No dick!
· 6 years ago
Generally speaking don’t discount upward mobility. All other things being equal it tends to beat someone doing better but who has effectively capped their potential. At 22 you’re likely better off marrying a future brain surgeon making $11 an hour at a burger joint and living at home with no car who if they have any debt it’s student loans- than a receptionist making $20 an hour with no degree and their own place and a $30k car debt and nice things with credit card bills. At 60 you might choose the opposite if they are your age of course. These “rules” are nonsense- but the idea holds weight. Value yourself, have goals, find a partner who has the same or similar goals and is willing to put in as much as you to reach them, and don’t just fill your bed or your life by “using” a person who you aren’t compatible with because everyone loses there. Keep your eye on the prize and put quality over quantity.
· 6 years ago
Bitch I’m hungry always and I don’t need some dumbass like you who can’t respect another human’s digestive system
· 6 years ago
Logicallly these criteria are flawed. Don’t use them. But- the idea is correct. You know who devalued dick? Men. More specifically men who participate in or allow games, men who don’t have self respect and standards, and men who will stoop to lows and compromise their integrity for some action. So sure. Build yourself up, and expect things from a partner. Expect them to bring that same level of ambition and an equal drive to a relationship. That hasn’t changed. That doesn’t mean tearing down, devaluing, or using women. It doesn’t mean looking down on people who don’t meet your personal standards. It means having actual standards for relationships and sex partners, and not bending over backwards or devaluing yourself to get a date.
· 6 years ago
She already has a dick. NO DICK.
· 6 years ago
Reading the first 4 criteria I was convinced this was gonna end with "no dick, because she's 4 and that's a crime".
· 6 years ago
That is correct. Under 18: NO DICK
· 6 years ago
haha, yeah, that's gonna happen...