Men aren’t obligated to pay for anything save that which they have agreed to pay, or have created a responsibility to pay (you’re obligated to pay for children you make, to pay for damage you cause, etc.) Who lays for what in a relationship is between the parties in that relationship. If you tacitly or explicitly agree to pay for certain things- you take that responsibility- however paying for a friends lunch 1,000 times doesn’t obligate you to pay the 1,001 time. So you aren’t obligated to pay, and they aren’t obligated to agree with who you fee should pay. That’s compromise and communication- cornerstones of any relationship.
· 6 years ago
You are far too logical my friend. You will not do well in relationships with women.
Lol. I’m doing alright. My longest was maybe 15 years or so, and I’ve not gone more than a year or two in between relationships as single before my current long term relationship which is heading to somewhere serious by the looks of things. Of course in my current relationship she is the more cold logical one and I am the more emotional one- in most cases.
That definitely sounds like the wrong kind of women. Hopefully you can have more luck in the future
Guest_ apparently may well be dating a female variant of L. Not gonna lie I might be jealous
· 6 years ago
MGTOW anyway. No more relationships for a very, very long time. I need to focus on myself for the next few years- chances are by the time I come back to the world from this journey I'm going on, I won't be the kind of man who can have a successful relationship with a woman anyway.
That'ts life. Too heavy for this website though :)
It’s good to take care of what you need done, and to not need to be with someone and be able to be happy as an individual. But relationships are just that- relationships. Whatever we define that as. The key is in throwing away pre conceived notions of what is or isn’t a relationship- what it needs to be, comparing to others. I do t know your life or what you’re facing. I’ve known guys who have gone through REAL shit though, seen and done things that made them never the same. But they were all by and large able to have relationships- even if it took a few tries and some time to get their heads right again. Some swore off LTR’s in a traditional sense and have more like long term repeat acquaintances they don’t see for possibly years and then do. It’s whatever you want it to be and the other person rolls with. So never close doors on yourself- just realize that the path we sometimes walk isn’t the “ideal” we had in our heads, but we can still be happy. Either way- best of luck.
· 6 years ago
You and I are very alike. This is the healthy decision for me right now. Healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. I no longer have any expectations, because I'm actively NOT looking for anything anymore. If one day, the right woman walks into my life and walks the gauntlet of my distrust and self-protectionism, that would be great.
Somehow, I don't forsee that happening. I wish all others the highest happiness.
It’s ok. If it happens that would be swell, and if not- you can still be happy with your own company. You seem to have a good outlook, and honestly the best thing to do with love is to not look for it. Love that works is love we find- or finds us- by natural virtue and through our normal affairs. Life is made for living, so just live it and the rest will happen on its own.
And no, no the guy is not obligated to pay for everything
Guest_ apparently may well be dating a female variant of L. Not gonna lie I might be jealous
That'ts life. Too heavy for this website though :)
Somehow, I don't forsee that happening. I wish all others the highest happiness.