It astonishes me that no commenters here (so far, anyway) cannot recognize this as being at least ONE of satire, parody, irony, caricature maybe, lampooning certainly, as well as mockery, ridicule, and derision for sure. And yes, bigtime trolling. And I guess a shipload of other terms describing contemptuous dismissal of the subjects of this remarkably stupid "community" of so-called anti-vaxxers?
Really, what is *wrong* with some of you? Do you not get *taught* the elements of the english language in school?
Of COURSE it's trolling; the goal, it appears, is to make 'anti-vaxxers' appear to be incredibly stupid, anti-science, morons. Of course, they are that, but this is a case of having a little fun with the dumb f**kers.
This person is a fucking moron.
Really, what is *wrong* with some of you? Do you not get *taught* the elements of the english language in school?
Of COURSE it's trolling; the goal, it appears, is to make 'anti-vaxxers' appear to be incredibly stupid, anti-science, morons. Of course, they are that, but this is a case of having a little fun with the dumb f**kers.