downvoting me because you people cant accept that this is complete bullshit this person made up for magically internet points. there's no fucking way that an entire store full of customers is going to drop what they are doing and line up to talk on the phone with someone. If an employee was talking on the phone and ignoring the customers they would be complaining that he was wasting their time and demanding priority.
If he would have stopped at the old woman helping with the situation it would have been believable but just like all of the other people making up fake stories for the internet he had to make it even more fantastical.
· 6 years ago
Omg thaaaank you @bethorien. Here’s a new frying pan- it’s cast iron :)
I'm skeptical for a few reasons, but hey, there's lots of bookstores and people in the world. It's not outside the realm of possibility for someone to call one, not knowing where to turn.
It's not even that hard to imagine all those people lining up to give hilarious suggestions for how to go about it.
Skydiving, with a backpack full of Jell-0 is a personal favorite of mine. Or maybe drowning in a (literal) pool of Jell-0.
I'm not sure why so many of these revolve around Jell-0...
Discrimination? It's just a bookstore that focuses on books with LGBT themes and authors. That's like saying a sushi restaurant discriminates against pizza.
I work in LGBTQIA-NGO's and I know this sort of thing happens because, yeah, we've all been there. You come out and it's a tough process that involves accepting you are not who your parents wanted you to be and you're never going to be normal. Suicide rates in our groups are massive compared the average. But the reason I believe this happened as described in the post is because I spent last weekend with my election committee interviewing candidates for a board and every candidate has at least one masters degrees, is willing to quit their high paying jobs and work 60-80 hours per week for no compensation because they remember coming out and want to make the world a better place for the next generation.
you've got a tiny sample size of only those that fit to increase your confirmation bias. The people that would be interviewed are those that would fit. The large majority of the people you wouldnt have contact with interviewing wise would not do this. That combined with the fact that it was customers at a for profit bookstore further moves the situation away from where experience with only kind hearted giving people would apply
· 6 years ago
@Karlboll as an expert and a scholar, can you just let us know when “that” community plans on adding the entire alphabet to their special acronym? Perhaps we should start pre-selection special characters before the Apache helicopters run out of unique letters and start infighting.
Biologically, nothing outside of LGBT exists. This whole world is becoming ridiculous
@shikharizard As an activist I can tell you that you're just going to have to try to keep up. Incidentally, NGO is just Non Government Organization so that one won't change much.
@bethorien The eleven people we interviewed last weekend was a small sample of highly dedicated activists who are candidates for the board of a very large NGO (Non Government Organization). Most folks just put in a few hours per week here and there but the principle stands ; people in marginalised groups help each other because no one else will.
thats still the small sample size in the group of "people willing to volunteer or do stuff for extremely low pay because its good" which is a small subset of the group "people that give a shit about others."
confirmation bias is a powerful thing especially when its something you yourself feel rather strongly about. You are too far involved in the part of the group that would do such a thing to have an objective opinion on the likely-hood of this happening when its not the small percentage that are willing to put effort into helping someone they arent close to
The person on the phone realised they may be gay and probably freaked out about the changes and hardships this may put on their life (work, family, friends, religion, etc.) They probably weren't thinking clearly, and thought that hurting/killing themselves would be easier than dealing with it all.
If he would have stopped at the old woman helping with the situation it would have been believable but just like all of the other people making up fake stories for the internet he had to make it even more fantastical.
It's not even that hard to imagine all those people lining up to give hilarious suggestions for how to go about it.
Skydiving, with a backpack full of Jell-0 is a personal favorite of mine. Or maybe drowning in a (literal) pool of Jell-0.
I'm not sure why so many of these revolve around Jell-0...
Biologically, nothing outside of LGBT exists. This whole world is becoming ridiculous
confirmation bias is a powerful thing especially when its something you yourself feel rather strongly about. You are too far involved in the part of the group that would do such a thing to have an objective opinion on the likely-hood of this happening when its not the small percentage that are willing to put effort into helping someone they arent close to