Brazil Supa de macaco núMero uno!
5 years ago by dogryu · 750 Likes · 8 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
But Honduras has the highest murder rate...
· 5 years ago
They do, per capita. And Brazil does with sheer numbers.
· 5 years ago
They have the highest rate by population, but it doesn't have too many people. Brazil has a lower rate, but many more people
· 5 years ago
So I once read an example of the violence they have. It had to do with cultural differences and mental attitudes. The premise explained why successful soccer players had to have body guards. So soccer is a really big deal there and successful players get all the money and attention etc... Well apparently it's really difficult to first have the natural talent and also put in all the work and practice to get good. Who would have thought? Right? So instead in order to make yourself look better is easier to just remove those that stand out. As a consequence it's not all that rare for other less successful players to arrange "accidents" or straight up murder for the good players.
· 5 years ago
Outlook is important. When we see others as not human, as obstacles to our success, as inherently less than us- we will tend to think of them that way, treat them that way, and the laws that are informed by our attitudes will start to reflect that too. Wether it’s soccer or just life- even people who have a lot look at people who have less and think “yup. Their very existence somehow takes away from me- diminishes me.” We’ve seen the extremes this can lead to- but even the less than extremes are unpleasant. It extends to more than success and is true everywhere in one way or another.
· 5 years ago
there is a moderately similar (yet far less extreme or lethal) cultural situation in many asian countries. There is a whole mentality of "do anything to get ahead." There is a reason that the stereotype of the "chinese computer game hacker" is so commonly seen with irl examples. The workplace mentality that cheating or trickery or underhanded-ness to get ahead being not only acceptable but expected in some cases translates very directly into the gaming culture. Ive said before that you can see it predominately in chinese gamers VPNing into AU servers for games like rust. They tend to have 4 or 5 active players with either a hacker on call or one of them with a hacked alt account as well as "bot" accounts that go and do mundane tasks like resource gathering and such. There are example in rust videos on youtube, game forums, and the like of people getting actively threatened with claims of "we will send our hacker after your base if you dont go away from us."
· 5 years ago
FFXI had the same "resource gathering bot" problem. Then they'd undercut the auction house and then sell the currency for real world currency. It was truly a plague.
· 5 years ago
warcraft also has similar problems tho theyve over the years added stuff that detects bot activity to some degree.