I want you to think long an hard about that.
About flying cars.
Do you trust other drivers? What percentage of them?
A majority... or a minority of other drivers that you think you can trust to operate their vehicles within the laws of the road and local customs.
To merge properly, to change lanes correctly.
To drive the apropriate speed for the road and the lane they are in.
Now, imagine the average driver and remember that half of them are stupoder than that.
for the most part, flying cars would be fine.... but they would have to be automated, something @famousone points towards. The thing is, the threat of terrorism isn't going to stop anything; if that were the case Tesla wouldn't exist.
I heard a very cool theory that autonomous vehicles mixed with manually driven ones would never work because of the human factor. But if you could make it purely autonomous it’s very feasible. Low flying vehicles would be a whole new landscape where it could start that way. Leave the cars on the ground and let the automation manage above their heads.
@scatmandingo that's what I wish would happen, as it would be soooo much easier, even cost per unit places it as an easier alternative.... but... apparently we all have to jump through hula hoops while matrixing under the metaphorical stick.
About flying cars.
Do you trust other drivers? What percentage of them?
A majority... or a minority of other drivers that you think you can trust to operate their vehicles within the laws of the road and local customs.
To merge properly, to change lanes correctly.
To drive the apropriate speed for the road and the lane they are in.
Now, imagine the average driver and remember that half of them are stupoder than that.
And you want to give them flying cars?
No fucking thank you.
ISIS: *happy terrorist noises*