I could imagine that sending dick pics to strangers is some kind of fetish? To some extent? You know, the thrill of some unknown person seeing your private parts.... At least that makes a lot more sense to me than to imagine that they actually hope for a positive outcome.
I have sent one dick pic in my life. It did not work... or.... maybe it did? We had sex before the dick pic and I only sent it in response to the nudes she sent me.
I do have some girl threatening to release a video of me going down on her and I try to block her but she keeps changing numbers and I don't pick up random numbers, making it all hard to prove. Whatever, worst comes to worst there is a video of me on pornhub going down on her. I really don't care about that.
While I get the point she’s trying to make, her accomplishments honestly have absolutely no relationship to a guy sending her unsolicited dick pics. While it’s great that she’s accomplishing a lot it’s still as horrible if a girl that isn’t doing notable things gets a dick pic too and so I really don’t understand how this is poetry.
And for men out there, don’t play the numbers game and hope for the best because even if one out of a 100 girls responds and you “win” you’ve left 99 girls who felt violated even if it’s by a picture. Nobody wants to see your dick and if they did they’ll ask you for it. Maybe next time instead of sending a picture, ask if they are interested in sexting. Send one to a consenting adult that actually wants to have that sort of conversation with you. Leave innocent people out of it
Honestly, i never understood the idea behind this and haven't done it myself.
I do have some girl threatening to release a video of me going down on her and I try to block her but she keeps changing numbers and I don't pick up random numbers, making it all hard to prove. Whatever, worst comes to worst there is a video of me on pornhub going down on her. I really don't care about that.
And for men out there, don’t play the numbers game and hope for the best because even if one out of a 100 girls responds and you “win” you’ve left 99 girls who felt violated even if it’s by a picture. Nobody wants to see your dick and if they did they’ll ask you for it. Maybe next time instead of sending a picture, ask if they are interested in sexting. Send one to a consenting adult that actually wants to have that sort of conversation with you. Leave innocent people out of it