Just because it's good now didn't mean you were right to defend the steaming pile of garbage that got released day 1, it took a long time to even become a mediocre game and even longer to become decent
I like it how for some reason, the people that actually like the game are assholes too. Like I'm not allowed to say that the game is now amazing and that for people that haven't tried it it's a great time to get into it because someone else is still butthurt about the launch.
If Thanos breaks out the black leather, I'm out of here
· 5 years ago
i am not supporting any dev that releases what was basically a tech demo as a full game no matter what they do with it afterwards that kind of bs shouldn't be supported
No Man's Sky has been amazing since last year. I didn't buy it on release so I don't have any venom towards it. As soon as I clear my plate a bit I'm really looking forward to starting it over in VR
The VR experience is amazing from what I've heard, though a lot of people have complained about performance and bugs, which should be fixed soon enough. I'd give personal experience but I'm poor lol
· 5 years ago
I bought the game at launch and was disappointed to say the least. If your game is that boring you could at least make it only take a few hours to complete.
I was even more disappointed when I gave up and looked up the endings online. Fucking trash.
Honestly I was over here debating if I should buy Stronghold Crusaders 1 for $10, but No Man's Sky is 50% off and $30. Hmmm.
Side note: I'm watching Wild Australia and the narrator just said "The possum can feel vibrations by sticking it in the hole.... but wait? What was that?"
Aye, the 2 minutes I took to decide if I should go through the process of figuring out this ps3 controller for PC thing convinced me... my dude landed in a snowy place though and gonna freeze to death if I don't mine sodium <_< anyway, after the controller is setup I'll fix him I guess. How the fuck do you bring up a menu where you can save a game and such though? Esc just seems to send you to your inventory
Saving works a bit differently in NMS. You can build a portable Save Point in the build menu (Z on keyboard, unsure of controllers), or you exit your ship. The Save Point acts as a manual save, whereas the ship is an autosave.
So now my dude is in panic mode on this snow planet or like... once I get this controller setup can I start a new dude? I don't even fucking know if I'm a dude or dudette yet... I R ASTRONAWT
I think they deliberately start you somewhere you won't make it long as sort of a crash course, but I haven't played it since October, might start a new character tomorrow
Correct, when you start the game the original planet is totally Random. Could be super hazardous or chill. You begin by collecting simple materials to repair your ship, getting in/out of your ship saves the game. The rest of the game is up to you. Most of the missions are just random things to do, not exactly necessary other than new technology. Good choice on the purchase, it's by far my favorite game I've ever played, thats just my type of game. Simple yet complex, no real combat unless you want to piss of the floating guys. You truly are alone in the universe to explore and discover planets and it's inhabitants that no one else may never see. If you have the internet I think you can join up with people. Again, best game ever, I'm 120 hours and it's still just as thrilling as 20 hours in regarding discovering a new planet and setting up new settlements where ever you want
This game is fucking amazing.... and while the "controls" are told with Xbox in mind, I've figured it out with my ps3 controller. I'm sitting here in a cave mining the fuck out of Radon because I don't know when I'll get another chance at it >_ >
I voted you back up and people really need to fuck off. Every time someone says they like No Man's Sky there's some little shit downvoting them because everyone has to be as miserable as they are. I love NMS and other people are entitled to as well, grow the fuck up. Enjoy yourself @funkmasterrex
I was even more disappointed when I gave up and looked up the endings online. Fucking trash.
Side note: I'm watching Wild Australia and the narrator just said "The possum can feel vibrations by sticking it in the hole.... but wait? What was that?"