Socialism: State ownership of the means of production and redistribution of private property to benefit the collective.
So government *steals the products of everyone's labor and effectively enslaves the masses, ostensibly to give to those who didn't earn it but need it, but always ends up lining the pockets of party-members and turning the population into canon fodder and property to be used and abused by secret police, party officials, and eachother.
· 5 years ago
I love the goals of socialism, but this is how it has always played out, so I struggle to understand how I could ever support it.
If you stubbornly hold onto ideological principles in the face of practical change then nothing works. Hardcore, Marxist style socialism will never work, and neithet will straight laissez faire capitalism. Generally, you need some sort of hybrid system that combines the best of both in a moderate, regulated way.
Socialism: State ownership of the means of production and redistribution of private property to benefit the collective. (c) understanding of 5yo.
People are just greedy assholes (c) any system does not work because people is not perfect. Capitalism too.
It's because there's never actually been a government that made it all the way to full blown communism or socialism, they get stuck in transitional phases typically known as the dictatorship of the proletariat. I'm not saying I support communism or socialism, just saying that it's never actually been accomplished
So government *steals the products of everyone's labor and effectively enslaves the masses, ostensibly to give to those who didn't earn it but need it, but always ends up lining the pockets of party-members and turning the population into canon fodder and property to be used and abused by secret police, party officials, and eachother.
That ain't gonna happen.
Communism came close, but ultimately the govt. was too greedy as well.
People are just greedy assholes.
People are just greedy assholes (c) any system does not work because people is not perfect. Capitalism too.