And before I get any hate. I’m trans so I’ve been in the community for many years now. And I can tell you that 60-80%of teenage trans people are just having an identity crisis. It’s better to wait a few years to figure out who you are than to try and rush to push yourself into a hole you don’t fit in.
Tbh I always find it twilight-zone levels of bizarre when people argue that someone who is too young to vote, drive, smoke, get piercings, get tattooed, get many prescribed drugs, own a gun, join the army, see adult movies, (sometimes) too young to consent to sex... are argued as being competent to make this choice.
Exactly but, people lack the ability to realize that sometimes it is just a identity crisis. And the extreme lgbt community rejects this idea which leads to a lot of miseducation.
Just wanted to drop this here and say.
"Hundreds" is a really weak ""measure"" here. It's just a catch headline and the actual % of people detransitioning is really very low. And then most go on to retransition later, because the reazon they stopped was entirely social pressure.
twitter . com/RationalDis/status/1184532195165298689?s=19
"Hundreds" is a really weak ""measure"" here. It's just a catch headline and the actual % of people detransitioning is really very low. And then most go on to retransition later, because the reazon they stopped was entirely social pressure.
twitter . com/RationalDis/status/1184532195165298689?s=19