Fun fact, in my language Bodmas means big fish and we also use a fish to learn how greater and less than works so for the longest time I thought some Maldivian teacher had legit made these up to help us. It shook me to learn bodmas was an international thing
(10+10+10)*100= 3,000.
10+10+10*100= 1,020.
Math is a language. If I say “Jim likes fighting horses and drinking” that isn’t the same as “Jim likes fighting, horses, and drinking.” Just as we have grammar in language we need order of operations in math. One reason is convenience. Reading left to right for operations seems easy. But take many common expressions of higher math like polynomials. Present order of operations means you don’t need parenthesis, but you’d need LOTS for many polynomials if you read left to right so you could tell what was being said with the math.
Let me put it another way- when you have 4 apples and take away 3 apples that is easy to relate to. You can use fingers or real apples or whatever. You can see and touch it. The deeper you get into math the more abstract it gets until you are no longer even taking about real things. You’re talking about concepts and how things relate to each other.
Parenthesis show things are grouped together. So 3 apples + 3 apples + 3apples is easy. But what if you have 3 apples +3.. + 3... and 6 oranges times 4, 5 bananas- a pig comes and eats 2 oranges, then does that 4 more times and you want to know how much produce you have. Strip the words and show me in math without order of operations. 3+3+3+6*4+5-2*4=... 3+3=6+3=9+6=15.
Let’s check it. 3 apples plus 3 more plus 3 more- ok. That equals 9. Add 6 oranges... WAIT. we have 12 oranges. We should have 21 Ok. So now 15 fruits *4= 60 pieces. Now we are WAY off. Add 5, 65. -2- 63. Multiple by 4.... uh oh. That’s WAAAAY off isn’t it? That’s why.
Or whatever you mericans call it
Fun fact, in my language Bodmas means big fish and we also use a fish to learn how greater and less than works so for the longest time I thought some Maldivian teacher had legit made these up to help us. It shook me to learn bodmas was an international thing
10+10+10*100= 1,020.
Math is a language. If I say “Jim likes fighting horses and drinking” that isn’t the same as “Jim likes fighting, horses, and drinking.” Just as we have grammar in language we need order of operations in math. One reason is convenience. Reading left to right for operations seems easy. But take many common expressions of higher math like polynomials. Present order of operations means you don’t need parenthesis, but you’d need LOTS for many polynomials if you read left to right so you could tell what was being said with the math.
Let’s check it. 3 apples plus 3 more plus 3 more- ok. That equals 9. Add 6 oranges... WAIT. we have 12 oranges. We should have 21 Ok. So now 15 fruits *4= 60 pieces. Now we are WAY off. Add 5, 65. -2- 63. Multiple by 4.... uh oh. That’s WAAAAY off isn’t it? That’s why.