Go ahead and down vote but it's true. Icecream cones take a machine or even an oven or stove which means it needs to make a bit of that carbon foot print. But the banana leafs just need to be cut down and washed with water. Less carbon foot. So it is better than a cone. Though I myself perfer it in a cone.
Not a bad idea. Too bad banana leaves only keep for 2-7 days unless frozen (then about 2 weeks.) Meaning that unless you can get Banana Leaves locally- that means trucking in leaves regularly. Small orders frequently for cost and waste reasons. Bananas only grow in hot and humid places. The US is one of the worlds largest Banana consumers but only produces a small amount- almost exclusively in Hawaii. Most Bananas are brought in through South America.
An increase in demand for banana leaves would likely result in greater green house emissions from the supply cycle. There’s also the fact that as usually happens with cash crops- especially those in high demand and grown in humid environments- to meet demands you’re probably looking at massive deforestation of rainforest and abuse of local workers.
In fact- in America bananas have a bloody and dirty history. Believe it or not- many of South America’s woes trace back to action by the US government on behalf of Dole and other fruit companies- where the military was literally used as a method to secure the interest of Bog banana in South America.
This included “puppet states” and regime changes put in place by the United States and it’s interests to ensure that regardless of the effect on the people of South and Central America that they’d rather have brutal tyrants in charge that play nice with our businesses than leaders who won’t do what we want but are good to their people.
Tl:dr/conclusion- if you live somewhere that Bananas grow (Thailand has markets have been doing this for example,) it seems like a great way to reduce waste. If your consumer base has buying and consumption habits that fit it could work well. It isn’t a “perfect solution” and there are many reasons why long term and wide spread this idea might not be viable if scaled up globally.
I know, I was saying I liked it because the theme of "keep it simple, stupid" of the original story is fittingly referenced here, with just this simple line.
It's not about whether it is true or not. I just liked the fact that I understood it.
It's not about whether it is true or not. I just liked the fact that I understood it.