Look at that. 5 minutes when making a menu, and maybe another 10 every update and now not only could a lot of people be happy, but a whole debate is off the table. It’s almost like it’s more work to resist the idea than to just do it....
I did. I chose to ignore it. The point standing was that for all the mockery and resistance it really isn’t that hard to add menu choices to a drop down. Assuming this is photo manipulation it likely took more work to do than to actually set up a real drop down. If it isn’t photo manipulation- the same amount of work could be used to make a positive impact instead of turn a bunch of people into jokes for others to laugh at.
It’s human nature to bend someone over who looks like they’d produce strong offspring and impregnate them wether they want it or not too. Luckily- humans posses and ability to rise above our nature and try to be better than our base animal impulses- and in time change them. But I’m quite chill.
If you look I didn’t even feel the need to go into some great detail on the subject, and didn’t say anything else until someone specifically spoke to me. My original post regardless of the message carries a sardonic tone- an illustration of the humor you allude to as part of human nature. I am no more or less guilty of not “chilling” for replying to the original post for seeing something I felt the need to speak about than yourself or the other guy for replying to mine.
The only thing stopping people from doing what they want is the thin veil we call society. On top of that, some people do what they want anyway. As well as “If it’s not illegal, I’ll do it”
We’re really not as sophisticated as you make us out to be.
But yeah, if this line of conversation isn’t particularly worth the effort I’m okay with stopping
I find your thoughts worth my time in general, and specifically here. I suppose to a degree it isn’t so clear cut though. Laws and society are just really forms of consequence- so we could argue that people do what they want if they either or do not believe they will be caught, or do not believe the consequences will be worse than the gain from the act- or if they don’t or can’t consider and comprehend the potential consequences of an act.
But that logic largely negates ideas like agnosticism or atheism- in absence of law or social stigma- the only other consequence based code is religion. So the implication is that if we were to remove those three things- people would act on whatever impulses they had. In other words- it completely removes individual morality from consideration and assumes that except when coerced or afraid- humans only follow instinct.
A good friend is out of the country. He is somewhere that the age of consent is lower than 18, as is the age of drinking, and the legal and social definitions of rape are not the same. A place where it is normal for adult men to bed young girls. He grew up there and one of his parents is from that culture. He was approached by a young drunk girl in a bar who wanted sex. It was legal, his culture and the nation doesn’t have social taboos against it, he’s in an area where no one knows him and he won’t return. He could do it and have basically no risk of consequence but he felt it was morally wrong.
Even on the frontier and the like- where people could meet and interact without another soul ever knowing- some people had a morality. So while humans are simple- we are also more than just animals of instinct I think. We have emotions and empathy which may be evolutionary survival mechanisms for social creatures- but we have the ability to be cognizant of them and at least in a theory where free will exists- choose to ignore them or not based on our examinations of them.
To me- the fact that we can decide to ignore an opportunity which presents us benefit at little or no cost, and not because we fear the repercussions but because we don’t want to be the sort of person that does that- even if no one knows that WE will know- that suggests strongly that there is more to morality than a simple risk and reward mechanism.
We’re really not as sophisticated as you make us out to be.
But yeah, if this line of conversation isn’t particularly worth the effort I’m okay with stopping