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· 5 years ago
Hello dear guest. Even if I do not know you I just want to let you know that there are people who love you and care about you (including myself). Stay strong.
· 5 years ago
Nah. Everyone hates the bot.
· 5 years ago
Yeah, none of that is true. Depression is an actual illness.
· 5 years ago
You just need to smile more.
· 5 years ago
Why are you so sad all the time? Just make friends and do your work
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· 5 years ago
You’re just ungrateful tsk
· 5 years ago
I had an ex once tell me that I can't be depressed because then it would make her feel bad because depressed people don't having loving partners.
· 5 years ago
She’s right, you selfish asshole.
· 5 years ago
Tell that to my depression riddled brain
· 5 years ago
Depression is usually diagnosed when things are good and you still cannot produce the proper amounts of seratonin and dopamine. If you are depressed and your life also sucks, then it's possible you aren't actually depressed you just have long term sadness because of circumstances, which could be an easier fix than an actual health disorder. I'm not a health professional, so these are all personal musings
· 5 years ago
I want to fix a notion here, you can have something called situational depression. You said "if you are depressed and your life also sucks, then it's possible you aren't actually depressed." That makes no sense, and maybe needs clarification. Were you trying to say if you are depressed and your life sucks then you may have a different type of depression? Also if say the bad situation persists long term you still may require the same treatment. It doesn't matter as much the why always, but getting that person to a livable emotional state. What is possible is reducing treatment if you recover from a situation.
· 5 years ago
I guess I was just talking about clinical depression? I feel like there can be multiple definitions. Like I said, I'm not really qualified to say anything about it, it's really just what I've learned from the internet and a personal perspective.
· 5 years ago
My friends and My wife can't cure my asthma let alone my depression.
· 5 years ago
I don’t know what the hell I just read but I don’t think I like it. You can be depressed and not have depression. You can have depression and not be depressed; you can be both or neither and a wide range of emotions and conditions that aren’t “clinical depression” but are less real and often no less severe in their impact on your life. You don’t “need a reason” to feel a certain way- it’s just how you feel. Other people can’t tell you how you feel. Try to recognize your feelings and when you could use help- try to reach out. When you see someone you think might need help- try to reach out. Sometimes you can’t tell who’s hurting. Just do your best to be kind.
· 5 years ago
What I mean is for me at least, depression is a disease. My brain does not produce chemicals correctly, just as my lungs to not function correctly. Getting help is not optional. I do, I talk to who I need to, that is not in question. I'm just so tired of people saying it's my fault I suffer depression, that I'm not trying hard enough, that I'm ignoring all the good things in my life, that I need to cheer up. I have reasons to be happy, I can't because my brain is broken.
· 5 years ago
I’m sorry. I wasn’t directing my comment at anything you said. I meant that I don’t like the idea that people would try to blame a depressed person for their depression either. I agree with you 100%. I meant o didn’t like what they were saying in the comic- which seemed to blame depression on the depressed person or some factor other than- as you say- the inability to be happy. There are people who are depressed but do not have depression- and they can use a hand too. I was just saying that we all just do our best and it isn’t for others to tell us we aren’t- not saying that it’s so easy to treat depression or anything like that. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.
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· 5 years ago
It's a tough conversation, my irritation comes from the comic placing the blame on a sick person. Misunderstandings happen, no upsetness harboured. diologue is important
· 5 years ago
Thank you. And I completely understand what you mean. Depression isn’t a personal failing and not being able to “snap out of it” isn’t through lack of desire or will or motivation. Sometimes the only thing that can regulate brain chemistry enough to even allow a person to try is medication- and even then there is no “magic pill” and some people can’t find a program that works or have tried it all and none works for them- or the side effects are unbearable. Then there are plenty of people who just don’t have access to help. Kids who need parents or for financial reasons, geography- even the fact that depression can prevent the depressed person from having the ability to get help. It’s easy to just say “this worked for me/someone I know” or “if you want something bad enough you’ll get it...” that’s not how depression works. That’s part of the horror of it. It hits anyone any time and takes away part of who they are- or at least who they had wanted to be.
· 5 years ago
I wish you the best- and hopefully someday neither one of us will have to be irritated when someone blames the sick person. Heck- maybe someday they’ll have much more effective treatment and detection and the availability for anyone in need. Everything is a pipe dream until it happens- so I’ll hope someday that’s a dream that comes true.